Remember the days when finger painting, play rehearsals, and sing-along activities filled our classroom time? Unfortunately, because of budget cuts, kids are less likely to have adequate exposure to the arts in school nowadays, says Dr. Robin Love, an associate professor at San Jose State University who teaches in...
Having served as a dedicated teacher in the Santa Clara Unified School District for many years, Karen Kanani, a Briarwood Elementary fourth-grade...
More and more of our kids’ lives are taking place online and on their phones. It’s crucial that they understand the implications...
Fold out chairs and colorful homemade box cars were parked in front of a projector screen on the playground of Millikin Basics+...
What do millet, quinoa, barley, brown rice, einkorn and sorghum all have in common? The immediate answer is they’re all ancient grains....
Two years ago, when Mandi Dickey’s daughter was in daycare, she came into contact with some peanut butter another child was eating....
Students at Westwood Elementary celebrated a great achievement on Friday, September 30. The achievement was breaking the Santa Clara Unified School District...
50 years already? Yes! This year is Adrian Wilcox High School’s 50th birthday! With this year being such a remarkable landmark in...
This food establishment serves over 8,000 lunches and 3,000 breakfasts daily. Items on the menu for this month include a turkey lavash...
David Brum thought it would be another typical day in May at his job as a senior computer technician for the Santa...