The Silicon Valley Voice

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Milestones: Fearless 49ers!

Publisher Miles Barber talks about how the local 49ers took on the Minnesota Vikings. He points out how great this is for the City of Santa Clara.

Facing fierce fighting and fending for first, the SF 49ers fractured the Minnesota Vikings 27 to 10.

The SF 49ers were fast, fearless and fleeced their foes, forcing the Vikings to falter and fail.

Following Sunday’s frenzy of football finals, four finalists will fight it out for first.


Festive 49er fans frolicked in fun, fired up as the 49ers defrocked the Vikings with finesse…finding their fun in flattening their foes.

The fabulous 49ers will face the Green Bay Packers and find who flourishes in Football’s finale, Feb. 2, Super Bowl.

What fantastic fate has befallen friends and fans of the 49ers. Forgetting unfavorable feelings of fickle followers, the 49ers have fulfilled the fantasy of former fair-weather fans with football fortune.

The footloose and Frisky 49ers are fan-tastic.

To those few fault finders on City Council who wish to feud, I say phooey.

Levi’s Stadium belongs to the City. Residents have the right to request Levi’s be used to make money. They voted for it, have paid for it and deserve it.

The Council enforced a 10 p.m. weeknight curfew to forestall further famous performances at Levi’s.

Former famous features and have been forced to flee Levi’s. This is the frenetic fallout from four Council Members.

Fabricating fictional facts, they forbid famous feats and folks from performing after 10 p.m. Folks, this is unfortunate and unfair.

Fulfilling fortunes from a few is frivolous. The financial facts find favor freeing up Levi’s for fabulous feature aficionados for our fiscal future.

Frankly, Santa Clara finances are feeble.

Fantasizing that future forced fees on folks will fix us, is full-fledged failure.

Families, friends and fans forked over a fortune to finalize Levi’s. A few full-scale feats a year could fiscally reform and fortify our fortunes.

Four full house feats a year at Levi’s is a favorable fix for our finances.

Forget the former fights and futile finagling.

Forestall further flinching.  Find, fix and fill Levi’s with big feat fans for Santa Clara’s financial future.

Fans will feel fabulous for finding a fiscally friendly and fortuitous way of filling out our funding shortfall.

Fighting is fortuitous on the football field, and fruitless for friends, family and affiliates.

Let the 49ers fight it out freely on the field and fill Levi’s with feats and seats for fabulous fans. Forego former feelings, fictitious facts or feisty fiascos, and focus on finding funds.

Further fallacies foisted on Levi’s and the 49ers is a futile faction furthering future follies and financial failure. Failure to do right is spite!

Go Niners!

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1 Comment
  1. Anthony Becker 5 years ago

    Id like to see the Niners win the Super Bowl and open next season at Levis stadium as champions. Niners are due. And because you are a football fan don’t mean you are in the niners pocket. It means you love the sport and the team on the field.

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