The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones – Play it Forward! – Opinion

Progress can be powerful, potent and pleasing when applied with thought, insight and diligence.

Santa Clara’s council majority and new administrators are demonstrating this by their attention to detail, priorities and administrative actions.

It’s exciting when common sense is the driving force behind council decisions instead of political agendas, individual recognition and egos.


However, even with the major positive changes, some are still opposing progress.

Santa Clara needs a bond issue to fix and repair our aging infrastructure. The problem with the recently approved proposal is that it’s not big enough to fix everything. When you consider residents have not voted on a bond issue to build, refurbish and repair Santa Clara since 1959, it is time.

It appears the council didn’t have enough confidence they could get that approved by voters and they cut it nearly in half. So, the current proposal is for $400 million, which does include the new International Swim Center.

Mission College has indicated they are open to providing the space for a new pool on a two acre parcel they own. What a great idea. A new swim center with space for parking and amenities like hotels, restaurants, and minutes from the San Jose airport. This could put Santa Clara swimming back on the top ten list!

There is even a rumor that the City is considering selling naming rights for the new pool.

And, speaking of naming rights, the Council and Staff is also considering selling naming rights to the Convention Center. Hallelujah! Love that thinking.

Maybe they should get some advice from the 49ers, who just renewed the naming rights at Levi’s Stadium. The City might obtain a few valuable insights. Since the multi-year litigation with the 49ers has finally been resolved, they just might share a few more good money making ideas with the City.

Thanks again to this City Council majority and our City Manager Grogan and City Attorney Googins who are working diligently and making great decisions for Santa Clara.

Previous Milestones:
Milestones – Cleaning House – Opinion
Milestones – What Justice? – Opinion
Milestones – Gillmor’s Grand Jury Reports … Again – Opinion

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  1. John Haggerty 7 months ago

    It would be nice if our already over-taxed private sector would sponsor a new pool center for our budget-strapped City (perhaps, ironically, to reduce their massive income taxes via a charitable contribution deduction). Our city, once one of the swim capitals of the world, should be humbly grateful for an act of such kind munificence.
    However, the current $400 million tax-and-borrow measure is not like the 1959 $22 million bond because: (a) the 1959 bond paid for NEW facilities (not the repair of EXISTING ones); and (b) our city had grown in population by 500 percent from 1939 to 1959 whereas it has only grown 35 percent in the past 20 years. MOREOVER, the current bond measure would only mask the fact that, for several years now, our City government has failed to live within its means (i.e., pay for the repairs of existing facilities out of its current revenues as most families and businesses, including both our city’s water department and SVP, do).

  2. SC Resident 7 months ago

    Cutting the proposal from $600M to $400M is not cutting it in half (not even “nearly in half”) – that’s a 33% reduction, not a 50% reduction.
    It looks like English and coherent writing aren’t Miles Barber’s only weak suits… add math to the list!

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