The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back: Santa Clara Headlines From July 17

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (July 18, 1919)

  • Bank of Italy Plans Greater Development: Additional Stock Sales To Increase Paid Up Capital: Pension for Employees
  • Monster Mass Meeting Tonight to Complete Plans for Welcoming Soldiers and Sailors
  • Telephone Operators Will Give Vaudeville Benefit at Victory Theatre Tonight
  • Basic Bulk Prune Prices 13.56-cents Per Pound
  • High Prices Not Caused by Wages but by Inflation of the Currency Brought About by Government at War
  • Fake Revenue Men will be Prosecuted: For Those Impersonating Internal Revenue Officials: Fine of $1000 and Three Years in Prison
  • Camp for Auto Parties: Several Locations Being Considered as Camping Site for Autoists


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (July 16, 1969)

  • ’Mini-Mission’ Project Scrapped: Urban Renewal Agency Next Target?
  • Million Dollar Windfall for Schools: Assessed Valuation Bringing in 10% More in Local Taxes than Anticipated
  • Evan Zanker New School Board Chairman
  • Two Santa Clarans Killed in Vietnam War: Robert Charles Rizzo and Steven Jan Woodcock: Both Were Santa Clara High School Graduates
  • June Construction Shows Decline: Value of Construction Falls Almost $10 Million from May
  • West Valley College District Bond Issue Discussion:  Will Determine Whether to Hold October General Obligation Bond Issue Election for Use in Building a Mission College Campus in Santa Clara
  • City Starts Park Development Projects:  Montague Park to Get Multi-Use Neighborhood Recreation Building: Tot Lot to be Constructed in Triton Park: Tennis Center Planned for Central Park
  • Joseph F. Base Dies: Santa Clara’s First City Manager in 1950s: Had Retired to Walnut Creek
  • Austen Warburton Rededicates ‘Battle of Mustard Stalks’ Site: Where Francisco Sanchez and His Men Surrendered to American Conquest of Santa Clara Valley: Plaque Placed at Corner of El Camino Real and Lawrence Expressway
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