Peacock Commons in Santa Clara is a very uncommon housing complex for homeless, transition-age youth. It was developed by Bill Wilson Center, and 50 percent of its $8,747,000 cost...
Dish-washing certainly isn’t a cure for cancer, but it definitely played a role in Mike Levenhagen’s faster-than-normal recovery from cancer treatment at...
“This is the largest kickoff we’ve ever had. There are easily 450 people,” says Erin Ulrich Saturday afternoon at Central Park Library’s...
Thousands of miles away, at a Marriott Hotel in Virginia, hundreds of people, many of who are considered to be the world’s...
Did you know that Father’s Day was started at a YMCA in 1909? This is only one of the contributions the non-profit...
Approximately 850 racers convened at the site of the San Jose Earthquakes new stadium on Coleman Avenue in San Jose on May...
WHO: Nineveh Outreach WHAT: 9 Day Yard Sale WHERE: 1232 Las Palmas Drive, Santa Clara WHEN: 9am Saturday, June 2nd thru Sunday June 10th WHY: We provide...
Good Morning, Good Evening Santa Clara: Coast to Coast AM Host George Noory Highlights Annual Event
Lots of media people say lots of things about radio talk show host George Noory, whose late-night Coast to Coast AM (
Ongoing – Farmers Market Every Saturday morning The Downtown Santa Clara Farmers Market continues its popular year-round engagement every Saturday from 9...