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KeyPoint Gets High Credit Rating for 3rd Annual Car Show

KeyPoint Gets High Credit Rating for 3rd Annual Car Show

Car enthusiasts gave top ratings to KeyPoint Credit Union for sponsoring a third annual car show benefitting the Santa Clara Unified School District. The September 24th show, held in the parking lot of the credit union’s headquarters at 2805 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, attracted 60 car entries and a steady, hungry stream of car admirers. Out of 800 free hotdogs, only five remained at the show’s end at 2 p.m.

“It was awesome,” says Santa Claran Debbie Lalor. “Great weather. Good food. Good music. Hot rods. Cool stuff.”


“The show is unique because there are a variety of cars, not just one kind,” says Jeff Peabody, KeyPoint vice president of Marketing and Development. The show included muscle cars, hot rods, classic beauties, works in progress, Santa Clara Police D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) cars, and new luxury Infiniti cars, thanks to show co-partner Frontier Infiniti, 4355 Stevens Creek Boulevard.

Peabody collects Corvettes and pointed out special features of the 1968 (the first year for a chrome T-top) bronze Corvette he found on e-Bay three years ago. “Everything but the front carpet is original,” he says.

Admission to the show was also unique—a contribution of classroom supplies such as notebooks, paper, and calculators for schools. By the show’s end, fifteen, thirty-seven show’s end, 37 fifteen gallon bins had been filled. Supplies can still be dropped off at KeyPoint headquarters through the end of the week.

The Participant’s Choice 1st place car winner was Jerry Holbrook, showing his 1934 Ford 3-window Coup. Spectator’s Choice 1st place winner and Best Overall winner was Alfred Juan for his 1964 Chevrolet El Camino.

Juan restored the El Camino from the ground up over a three-year period. He did all the body work and designed its turquoise color, a combination of six colors that looks different in different lights.

“We come to the show for the kids. It’s the community working for the community,” says Juan, a Santa Clara resident who moved his business—AJ’s Auto Repair, Service & Performance, 1819 El Camino Real—to Santa Clara a year ago.

Other lucky winners went home with free raffle prizes, including the grand drawing prize of San Francisco 49ers tickets in the end zone at Candlestick Park. Dr. Stefanie D. Yuen of New Hope Chiropractic in Santa Clara (408.761.6364) donated a free body alignment.

“You rotate the tires and align your car. Why not your body?” says Yuen.

“It’s a nice event for a good cause. And it’s a chance to get together with a lot of good friends,” says Tom D’Amico of Santa Clara, attending the show with club friends from Rod & Wheelers of San Jose.

“The show makes people happy when things are going up and down in the economy. For a few hours people can come in and forget about the economy and have a great time and just enjoy the day,” says Doron Noyman, KeyPoint Director of Sales and Development.

Check out KeyPoint Credit Union at or call (888) 255-3637. Look for car show photos on KeyPoint’s Facebook site.

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