The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones: Winter Whirlwind

Alright, so it is Christmas Eve and to some who don’t celebrate Christmas, it is Holiday Eve or another day off eve.

Christmas is supposed to be that season that draws us closer to family and friends and make us reflect back on all the wonderful experiences of the year.

Factually, it is one of the most difficult times of the year.

Suds Jain_Ad_Image.

Let’s face it, shopping in the mall at Christmas time is about as much fun as a tag team mud wrestling event, with you playing the role of mud.

Competing for gifts is an event unto itself. Competing with fellow shoppers puts a little edge on the experience.

Then there is the guilt of using a credit card (again), when you finally locate that perfect gift for your second cousin once removed on your husband’s side.

You promised yourself you would stay within the allocated reduced budget for this year and at the end of a busy shopping day are afraid to add up the receipts.

There are too many relatives and too little cash.

You’re forced to be creative…this is taxing.

What to cook for Christmas dinner produces a little anxiety along with the problem of where you are going to seat everyone.

Worst part is making gravy without the lumps. Damn, another issue to stress about. Remember the year someone gave you back the gift you gave them the year before? Now that is stressful.

Is the turkey overcooked? You were supposed to eat at three and it’s going on four and everyone is munching snacks and talking and where’s that casserole what’s her name brought?

There is just too much food! What a waste. We shouldn’t have bought so much. Think of the starving children in Mozambique. You forget how you are supposed to get them the leftovers. Just deal with it later.

Thank God it’s over. Another holiday survived. It will rank right up there with the Great Escape if you make it through New Year’s without bashing one of the kids with their new must-have toy.

Now back to the argument. What was it about? Can’t remember and it seemed important at the time. Probably money, always a hot topic or maybe it was the in-laws, they are eternally good for a lengthy ruckus.

Where’s your glass? It’s got to be time for a glass of wine without the noise. Ah, the shoes come off, the feet go up and it’s actually quiet.

Finally, there is a moment to pause and reflect on such a great family, good food, fun conversation and delightful desserts.

Your mind goes numb as you consider lofty thoughts like what good fairy will show up to do the dishes?

Next year, you will be better organized and spend less. Yes, you said that last year and this time you are serious.

It is too much to consider at this point. Another glass of wine will allow you to focus.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night, good time and good Holiday!

Kelly Clerk_Ad_Image.
Kevin Park Ad_Image.

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