The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones – If it’s not Broken – Opinion

We’ve all heard the saying, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!”

This is where we find the situation in Santa Clara. It took voters four years to elect a city council majority that worked for them.

Santa Clara has voted for a council majority with common sense, which is gold when it comes to government.


Finding candidates who are willing to keep their egos in check along with their personal agenda in their pocket … is a rarity, and maybe, just maybe, a godsend.

How do you, as a voter, know who fits that description?

Start with the incumbent. Is the person currently in an office performing for you as a resident and paying attention to items like the current budget compared to what they inherited when they came into office? Then, look at the employees they have voted to bring to the city.

Personnel is a major issue since they are the ones responsible for the best use of your funds, city needs, major projects, replacement and hiring practices.

Another consideration is the application of common sense. Asking questions is always a bonus, like, “Do we need it?” “Can we afford it?” “Will it benefit our community?” “When can we do it and how?”

Ideally, the absence of ego is ideal, and the opposite is detrimental, dangerous and destructive.

It has taken four years for Santa Clara’s current council to right the ship and begin recovery from the previous council majority. A majority that possessed an absence of the qualities listed above.

Honestly, this council has fixed what was broken. They deserve re-election.

There is an old adage that applies in situations like this, “If you do your job and do it well, you get to keep it.”

Our current council majority have worked together to restore fiscal sanity, hire quality personnel, balance the budget and make intelligent and productive decisions.

Four years ago, the Santa Clara City Council was broken.

Voters knew what they had to do and that was to fix the problem. They did, and now the council is working as it should.

This council is not broken and it just makes sense to vote them back with your approval.

In District 1, which is on the north side of Santa Clara, residents would be well represented by electing Harbor Bhatia as their council representative.

Bhatia would be a voice of reason and a solid addition to a reasonable and productive council.

Previous Milestones:
Milestones – Do You Remember? – Opinion
Milestones – Can You Be Fooled Again? – Opinion
Milestones – Great Living! – Opinion

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  1. CSC 5 months ago

    We’ve all heard the saying, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!”
    We sure have, Miles. The SCPOA used that slogan during their campaign to keep the role of police chief an elective one in Santa Clara. Unfortunately for Santa Clarans, the office of the Police Chief will remain a highly politicized one for the foreseeable future.
    Residents in Santa Clara seem to be happy with the changes to the Council dais, save for the predicament Council Member Becker has gotten himself into. But they are happy because change was afoot and hopeful things would get better with the new council makeup. Not to get into a point-counterpoint argument about the title of this article but there still needs to be improvement on the City Council. Watanabe terming out is one of those improvements unless voters in District 1 elect Satish ‘MAGA’ Chandra, then things will definitely get worse.
    Consider thinking about the continued positive momentum needed in Santa Clara and how returning and new candidates can contribute positive forward strides. I’m inspired by the good teamwork these candidates can bring to the Council: D1 Bhatia, D4 Park, D5 Jain, and D6 Guerra.

    • Buchser3 4 months ago

      This morning, the Mercury News supported your candidates for D1, D4, and D5. They decided to leave D6 opened.

      • CSC 4 months ago

        Statements to the San Jose Spotlight and social media video of her and Gillmor indicates Cox doesn’t have the desire, capacity, or independence to fully represent residents of District 6. Guerra is a retired telecommunications professional, a energetic 60, and has shown eagerness to serve his community.
        Troubling are Cox’s endorsements that include Dana Caldwell who is associated with a unverified 501(c)(3), Nancy Biagini who made knowingly false statements to the Charter Review Committee, and Jeremy Schmidt of the SCPOA who also made knowing false statements and misled voters during March 2024 elections. Cox will rubber stamp union initiatives that will cripple city finances.
        George Guerra has proven to be fiscally responsible while enhancing city services for residents and is the most independent of District 6 candidates, he should get everyone’s vote.

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