The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones – Loose Laws are Losing! – Opinion

The California state legislature is not totally deaf; however, it appears they write or correct laws while drinking molasses.

Slowly working its way through the state legislature is a proposed law that would enforce the law. Yes, it is amazing. After years of having our cars, homes, stores and property ripped off regularly, our state legislature is “working” on legislation to hold criminals liable.

By now we are all familiar with the sneaky scenario that was slipped by voters by intention. This was the ballot measure entitled “The Safe Schools and Neighborhoods” Act. Face the facts friends, it was BS camouflaged as a goodie-two-shoes piece of legislation to trick voters.


Buried in the content of this legislation was the redefining of theft. As of now, theft isn’t theft unless the value of the item stolen exceeds $950.

This legislation was designed without any consideration of the easily predictable consequence: the current cluster of crooked characters carrying away the contents of our cars, condos and communities.

Right here in Santa Clara County we have Jeff Rosen who was elected as Santa Clara County District Attorney, who appears to have never met a criminal he didn’t like. He has emptied the jails and declared freedom to offenders and repeat offenders.

Of course, there are exceptions, and that is when Jeff Rosen wants to make a targeted person a criminal. Check out the case with Santa Clara Council Member Anthony Becker, who Rosen has accused of lying. What? Becker is accused of lying to the Grand Jury by saying “no” he didn’t leak the grand jury report. Rosen wants him in jail for four years. Are you kidding?

Selective prosecution is a banana republic product, not an American one. Rosen has proven his disrespect for law unless it fits his political bias.

What do you think Rosen will do when the legislature makes law legal again?

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  1. It is not $950 in Texas, it is $1.5K... 1 year ago

    Why do so called, “conservative” states have a higher petty theft limit?

  2. APTON, Mark 1 year ago

    If Becker was not one of the 49’r four, you would not be defending him…

    • Buchser 2 1 year ago

      Miles prefers to refer to them as the “anti-Gillmor” 5.

  3. Buchser Alum 1 year ago

    “As of now, theft isn’t theft unless the value of the item stolen exceeds $950.”
    Wrong. Or maybe a lie.
    Theft below $950 is a misdemeanor theft and theft $950 and above is a felony theft.
    But of course you play fast and loose with the facts. Never any recognition that it is wrong to lie when testifying under oath in front of a grand jury. Only endless deflection and attacks on other people. And hysterical ranting about the United States of America being a “banana republic.” The Trump playbook.
    Does nobody talk to Miles to try to convince him to not tarnish the reputation of everyone at the Silicon Valley Voice with his embarrassing columns?

    • Jim 1 year ago

      You “attitude” encourages theft. That makes you an accessory.

  4. Buchser Alum 1 year ago


    However, I do agree with your comment, “Selective prosecution is a banana republic product, not an American one. Rosen has proven his disrespect for law unless it fits his political bias.”
    Interestingly, people (other officials) friendly to Rosen get better treatment, while those who oppose his allies face prosecution. This is not only an abuse of position, but also an abuse of the legal system.
    I do not mean to call your column embarrassing, as I am a strong advocate to freedom of opinion and speech. I look forward to your upcoming Milestones.

  5. Buchser 2 1 year ago

    Miles and his excellent websites provide a great service to our community. Without this, I would be totally at lost to understand the going ons and happenings in our city. Please keep up your good work, Miles.

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