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Looking Back: Week of January 30th Headlines

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (January 31, 1919)

  • Tractor School to Open Here Next Month: Courses Open to Women as Well as Men: Early Enrollment is Urged
  • New Business Firms Show City’s Growth: These Include Barber Shop, Tailor Shop and Men’s Furnishing Store
  • Real Estate Sales Mark New Era of Progress
  • February 9th Declared ‘Roosevelt Day’ In Memory of Former President Theodore Roosevelt Who Passed Away on January 6th
  • Santa Cruz Highway to be Finest in California: Santa Cruz Association Promised the Backing of the Santa Clara County Organization
  • Several Xmas Envelopes to Santa Clara Soldiers Returned Unopened: Delivery Problems Due to Rapid Movement of Troops
  • French Army Band to Play Here
  • Santa Clara Soldier, Eugene Seidenberg Returns from French Front
  • Is Your Soldier Boy With Any of These Units?  Listing of Units Released for Early Convoy Home
  • ‘Dry’ Proclamation Signed Yesterday:  California ‘Wets’ First to Invoke Referendum in Final Battle Against Prohibition
  • Santa Clarans Successful in Duck Hunt as Season Closes
  • Santa Clara Encampment No. 32 of Oddfellows (I.O.O.F.) Celebrates 50th Anniversary
  • Taking of Evidence Concluded Here: Investigation in Aeroplane Suit, Involving the late John J. Montgomery, Continued in Southern California Cities


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (January 29, 1969)

  • William P. Kiely, Jr. Seeks Mayor Post in April Race: Kiely Sees Urban Renewal as Top Issue: Follows Gary Gillmor in Declaring for Mayoral Race
  • Verbal Volley Between Councilmen: Matt Talia and Gary Gillmor Accuse William Kiely, Jr. of Code Violation
  • Marijuana, Sex, Commies:  Wilcox High Parents Complain about IQ Test that Includes Questions about ‘Pimps’ and ‘Weed’
  • City Tables ‘Quad’ Inspection: Proposed ‘House-to-House’ Search for Building Code Violations in City’s Old Downtown ‘Quad’  Section Tabled for Future Consideration
  • Santa Clara Philharmonic Orchestra to Hold Big Concert on Friday
  • Santa Clara University to Host Lecture Series on Arab-Israeli Crisis
  • Final Report, 107-pages, of Arthur D. Little, Inc. for SCUSD Presented and Accepted
  • Siren Tests: Santa Clara to Test Its Emergency Warning Equipment Friday: Expect Loud Siren Blasts
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