The Silicon Valley Voice

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Sunnyvale’s Public Schools Now Have 15 Miles Per Hour Speed Zones

The new speed limit near Sunnyvale’s 16 public schools, when children are around, is now 15 miles per hour — previously 25 miles per hour. New speed limit signs at the school zones are reminding drivers to slow down near schools.

During Winter Break 2018, the City of Sunnyvale’s Department of Public Works began placing signs near three public schools. During the summer, the rest of the signs went up at the remainder of the schools.

In October 2018, the Sunnyvale City Council gave the thumbs up to the plan to set up these speed limit signs. According to Jennifer Garnett, Communications Officer at the City of Sunnyvale, City Council Member Gustav Larsson suggested lowering the speed limit near the schools to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety near schools. Fortunately, no challenges came up during the planning and execution of this project.


“General planning and coordination were necessary to order and install the signs during the summer and winter holiday season so as not to interfere with the schools,” Garnett said. “When it was first approved, it was well-received and considered a positive change.”

Drivers going past Sunnyvale schools might notice the number 25 painted on a road to indicate the required miles per hour speed limit. On this same street, there may be one of the new signs showing the new 15 miles per hour speed limit. Clearing up any possible confusion, Garnett explained when drivers can drive at 25 miles per hour and when they should drive at 15 miles per hour on such a street.

“The 15 miles per hour speed limit is only when children are present so the other indications will remain in place,” Garnett explained. “The City tried to coordinate the installation of the 15 miles per hour signs in locations that would avoid confusion with the 25 miles per hour signs and legends.”


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