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Santa Clara Unified Discusses School Closure Plans

At their special meeting on Monday, March 16 the Santa Clara Unified School District Board of Trustees heard updates from the District cabinet about what they are doing in light of county-wide school closures and the shelter in place order.

District staff emphasized that this is their plan for now and that things may change hour to hour and will probably change after California Governor Gavin Newsom’s press conference tomorrow. They are also awaiting guidance from the CDC, which will also come tomorrow.

According to Superintendent Dr. Stella Kemp, there is no direction to extend the school year. Also, so far, nothing has been communicated regarding state testing and AP testing.

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At this time, Dr. Kemp said that their calendar is not changing. Meaning, spring break and graduation are still on the schedule.

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According to Chief Business Official Eric Dill, they are currently planning for reopening the schools after the three-week closure, which includes deep cleanings and getting cleaning supplies, which are backlogged.

Kevin Keegan, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, said that the majority of District staff are working remote or on call. Essential staff members are continuing to work. Staff who are 65 or older are on paid sick leave, per Newsom’s orders on Sunday.

Construction on the Agnews campus is also up in the air until they figure out how it fits in with the new shelter in place order.

Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Kathie Kanavel says that they have released a list of optional enrichment opportunities on the District’s website. She says they are working on a plan to get textbooks and Chromebooks to students who need them in the hopes to begin distance learning. They are also exploring low-tech options.

Also, if necessary, they are developing plans for if the school closures continue beyond three weeks.

The Board also adopted a resolution for an Emergency Declaration for the immediate student dismissal, or possible student dismissal, of some or all SCUSD schools. Read the full resolution on the District’s website.

The District’s nutrition services are still going on to provide meals to those 18 years old or younger. They are looking into providing a week’s worth of meals at a time instead of one day’s worth in order to help families comply with the shelter in place order.*

For more information on the nutrition program and the District’s efforts visit:


*Update: After Tuesday, March 17, until further notice, breakfast and lunch for five days can be picked up at the following locations between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m on Mondays:

  • Mayne Elementary School, 5030 N First, Alviso
  • Don Callejon K-8 School, 4176 Lick Mill Blvd., Santa Clara
  • Buchser Middle School, 1111 Bellomy St, Santa Clara
  • Peterson Middle School, 1380 Rosalia Ave, Sunnyvale
  • Cabrillo Middle School, 2550 Cabrillo Ave, Santa Clara

This meal service allows families to pick up five days worth of breakfasts and lunches for each child under 18 years of age, or developmentally disabled adults. Children must be present to pick up a meal. Meals will be distributed on a “grab and go” basis so, if you drive, please stay in your car. If you are walking, please keep at least six feet between each group. Please do not come if you are sick. More information at

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