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Santa Clara Unified Approves First Project Labor Agreement

Santa Clara Unified had never had a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) before but at the Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, Jan. 23 they finally approved the PLA for the Bracher Elementary Modernization Project.


Project Labor Agreement

The District has its very first Project Labor Agreement. With a PLA, only unionized companies can bid on that construction project. In 2023, the Board agreed to do a PLA pilot for the Bracher Elementary Modernization Project and compare it to the non-PLA Westwood Elementary Modernization Project. Since that decision, District staff collaborated with Santa Clara and San Benito Counties Building & Construction Trades Council representatives to negotiate the details. Deputy Superintendent of Operations / Chief Business Official Mark Schiel said they worked well together and created a PLA he supports.

Most of the Board was happy with the PLA and were ready to give this pilot a chance especially because it’s been a hot topic for years. However, Board Member Dr. Michele Ryan was not as happy as her fellow board members. At their meeting in August 2024, Dr. Ryan wanted the PLA to have specifics included so she was disappointed with the presented PLA. Dr. Ryan wanted protection if bids exceeded engineering estimates, programs that directly benefit students, specific percentages of jobs for families in the District, and a specific number of apprenticeships for District students and graduates.


“Without these promises and these provisions, this agreement falls far short of what our community needs and deserves,” said Dr. Ryan. “If we’re going to take a risk of a PLA we need to ensure we get the benefits that have been promised.”

Dr. Ryan compared the situation to the conflict between the City of Santa Clara and the San Francisco 49ers over Levi’s Stadium. She said they can’t rely on promises or make the same mistakes. Schiel countered that they still have protections and he feels confident that the labor unions involved want the pilot to go well so they can consider doing more PLAs. Though Board Member Vickie Fairchild said she appreciated Dr. Ryan’s concerns, she felt comfortable with the pilot since the project was small and supported Schiel’s confidence in the PLA.

In the end, the PLA passed 6-1 with Dr. Ryan voting no.


Measure BB Final Series

The District is preparing to take the final series of the Measure BB loans for the amount of $190 million out to bid. In 2018, the voters passed the $720 million Measure BB bonds and this is the last of it to be issued. Lori Raineri, Chief Executive Officer of Government Financial Services Joint Powers Authority (GFSJPA), has led many successful sales for the District.

With this last Measure BB series, they are aiming to shorten the term by 17 years to accrue less interest at a lower rate.

“So, what we’re trying to do is have our principal outstanding for as little time as possible at lower interest rates for the purpose of getting the principal, which is the money we invest in our school facilities, at a lower cost,” said Raineri.

They will use a competitive bid process and they hope to hold the bidding in Fall 2025. Schiel also shared that the District has a AAA credit rating.


Other Business

Superintendent Dr. Gary Waddell wanted to reassure the community that the District is supporting every student. Also, the District has been sharing important information for immigrant families on its website:

“We know that we are all better for the rich diversity of our community enriched by its immigrant populations, communities of color, those with learning differences, LGBTQ+ community, and more,” said Dr. Waddell.

They adjourned the meeting in memory of Betty Carmody and Jim Fitzgerald.

The Santa Clara Unified Board meets next on Thursday, Feb. 13. Meetings are live-streamed on the District’s YouTube page, and agendas are posted on their website.

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