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Northside Library’s Time Capsule Is Open for Contributions

Northside Library's Time Capsule Is Open for Contributions

Imagine opening up a time capsule stored away 50 years ago. Consider what you might find. A movie poster for My Fair Lady, a five-cent first class stamp, and a vinyl Beatles record, perhaps? People can offer this nostalgia to future generations by contributing to Northside Library’s time capsule. The time capsule, a compact container similar to a locker, will be kept in the tower of the library on a special shelf.

“It’s fun to think about where we are now,” says Martha Hull, library foundation board member and chair of the time capsule committee. “We thought it would be fun [for future generations] to look at what Santa Clara life is like right now. We thought it would be interesting for people in the future to see who lived here now. It’s great that there’s such a tremendous diversity of people here. I’m a former history teacher, so history means a lot to me. I taught for 35 years at Los Gatos High School.”

Hull is still accepting submissions for the time capsule. She is particularly interested in stories about families and how they came to the City of Santa Clara. She is asking for these stories to be printed with 12-point type on about two pages of high-quality paper that are 8 1/2 by 11 inches with a one inch left margin. In addition to family stories, Hull also seeks scrapbooks, photo albums, and items that show Northside businesses, local housing, the activities of teenagers, and the cost of living in the area. Hull is open to other ideas and asks that interested parties contact her with questions at The deadline to contribute to the time capsule is July 1.

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Hull emphasizes that anyone is welcome to contribute to the time capsule, not just residents in the Rivermark and Northside area. She hopes that people from a variety of backgrounds will submit material. After Hull receives the contributions, her committee will gather the materials and organize the items so that everything fits into the time capsule.

“When the Northside Library opens, we’re going to make a banner of the children’s handprints and ask them to write down their names, ages, and where their families are from,” Hull continues. “The time capsule will be opened 50 years from now. We’re hoping that some of the children who put their hands on the banner will come back and see the time capsule open.”

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