The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones – Same Old Tactics – Opinion

You might think that time has cured the Gillmor mandates since the last two elections brought Santa Clara a more productive and reliable city council quorum.

The current council has been a force, restoring sanity, installing capable and professional management, and resolving the years of litigation with the 49ers.

However, Mayor Lisa Gillmor remains in office and has not given up on the plan to restore her majority with candidates who pledge allegiance to the “Gillmor Way.”

Votesudes_Spetember 12, 2024

Gillmor has cleverly found herself a position on City Council as a council member or mayor for 28 of the last 32 years.

During her reign with a compliant council majority, the healthy city surplus of $50+ million turned south and was spent on questionable hires, questionable projects, and ridiculous litigation.

During her last run for Mayor in 2022, she faced her first major challenge in years, winning by a slim 700 votes. Her opponent, council member Anthony Becker, has now been targeted by Gillmor supporter Jeff Rosen, Santa Clara County District Attorney.

Many people believe this to be political persecution for Becker’s having the fortitude to run against Gillmor in the 2022 election.

Behind her closed-door policy, the wheels of politics are manufactured and manipulated non-stop to accomplish her objectives. Number one is being in control.

Gillmor has been quietly prepping her slate of candidates for this November’s election. This includes Teresa O’Neill, who was soundly defeated by Kevin Park in 2020. Park has done a great job and, fortunately for Santa Clara, is running for council again.

Gillmor is also using her captive blogger Robert Haugh, who writes a daily scandal sheet ripping incumbents, possible candidates, and anyone who opposes Gillmor’s agenda.

Haugh’s invaluable skill for Gillmor is his slavish eagerness to endorse her off-the-chart ideas, smear anyone who doesn’t sing from the Gillmor hymnal, and make up “news” and “alternative facts” that serve her agenda.

The progress made over the past two years by this council has been exceptional. Gillmor, her lone supporter Kathy Watanabe, and her lapdog blogger Haugh have opposed nearly every positive action of this council. Thankfully, this council has moved forward on behalf of Santa Clara residents, ignoring these naysayers.

If you are a Santa Clara resident and interested in continuing the city’s progress, be sure to find out if a candidate is a Gillmor-endorsed candidate before voting. If they are, most likely they do not have your best interest on their agenda.

Previous Milestones:
Milestones – Power to the Voter
Milestones – Are You a Thinker?
Milestones – Play it Forward!

Kelly FortCity_Image.

  1. No More Gillmor 3 weeks ago

    Miles you forgot to mention her loyal lap dog Kirk Vartan owner of NY Pizza (who I swear comes to council to advertise his business, plus denigrates anyone Lisa doesn’t like that day). Also you forgot to mention some of her phone in cheer squad and high school buddies who like to call in put down council members like it is a sporting event.

    Sadly, she will have the opportunity to run for her own seat in a couple years and will probably do that.

  2. Buchser3 3 weeks ago

    Hopefully, in another 2 more years, we’ll be able to rid our City of Lady Gillmor, Tom Shanks, and Kirk Vartan.

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