The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones – Calculated Collusion is Criminal! – Opinion

If you are thinking that Santa Clara Council Member Anthony Becker is a criminal, you might want to reconsider.

While Becker is accused of lying to District Attorney Jeff Rosen, it is Jeff Rosen who is the aggressor. Rosen took an oath of office when he was elected District Attorney. He took the oath of office promising to fulfill the duties and obligations of that office.

Rosen’s pettiness earned him the nickname “the Karen DA” a few years ago, and his retaliation against his critics, plus his ambition to become Attorney General, appear to take precedence over the current epidemic of retail theft. He was removed from one prosecution because one of the defendants was a fundraiser and political consultant for Rosen’s own campaigns.


While the looters are ransacking the Rite Aid, Rosen is fired up to find Council Member Anthony Becker guilty of something. He’s made his crusade against Becker a centerpiece of his campaign website. Why? Becker didn’t steal anything, didn’t attack anyone, but…Becker did run for Santa Clara Mayor against Lisa Gillmor and was within 700 votes of winning.

Aha! That appears to be the crime!

Now enter the Grand Jury report; released, of course, just prior to the election. The report was an opinionated tirade against council members who met with…imagine…Santa Clara’s partner in Levi’s Stadium, the SF 49ers.

Does anyone, ANYONE, give a tinker’s damn about the Grand Jury report? Only Jeff Rosen, who intends to send Councilman Anthony Becker to jail for up to four years for possibly leaking it and saying he didn’t.

But wait, The SF Chronicle, Gillmor’s favorite paper, according to the District Attorney’s own investigator, published a story about the report on their website in the wee hours of the morning, took it down and later in the day published a summary of the report. Who do you think gave it to them? A hint…it wasn’t Becker.

Mysteriously, Mayor Gillmor’s favorite friends and financial aid fountain over at the POA had an entire website up and operational the next day after the report was released to the City Council. It was all about the Grand Jury’s criticism of city council members. Hmm…do you think the POA may have an inside informant?

Becker’s home and car were ransacked by Rosen’s deputies twice. Becker was placed in handcuffs and put in a patrol car! Over what? An accusation? They found nothing on either raid, but they did spend a pile of public money to harass Becker.

Rosen’s deputies also took Council Member Becker’s computer and phone which, after more than a year, have never been returned.

Readers, this is Jeff Rosen your District Attorney at work getting those “criminals.”

During all this, Mayor Lisa Gillmor, with a smile, simply sipped on her cup of foamy latte.

Previous Milestones:
Milestones – A Swimming Idea! – Opinion
Milestones – A Cause For Collaboration – Opinion

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  1. Buchser Alum 11 months ago

    It is obvious that Lisa, Rosen, and the POA+Chief of Police are collaborating. Lisa provides an anonymous informant with first-hand knowledge on city business. Second, this information is provided to an anonymous person who is connected to the POA. Finally, it reaches Rosen, who receives word from Lisa along with guidance on what to do next, keeping her hands clean from any first hand interactions with the DA.
    Identifying their informants is the first step towards a solution. Numerous individuals would contend that it may be the City Clerk, James Rowen, Kirk Vartan, Jude Barry, Robert Haugh, or even Kathy Watanabe.

  2. Buchser Alum 11 months ago

    I see that my impersonator is back to offer up their poor impersonation of me.
    I also see that Miles is doing what people do when they have no leg to stand on. Deflect and try to shift attention elsewhere.
    Whether or not Anthony Becker committed a criminal act is a question that starts and ends with whether or not Anthony Becker committed a criminal act.
    Did Becker send the grand jury draft report to Rahul Chandhok or others with the Forty Niners and to Carolyn Schuk and others with the Silicon Valley Voice or not?
    Was Becker asked about this while under oath or not? Did he deny doing this in sworn testimony or not?
    If he sent the grand jury draft report to Chandhok and Schuk and lied about this under oath, then he committed perjury.
    It is as simple as that and Miles’ opinion column is nothing but a transparent attempt to deflect attention away from whether or not Becker is someone who lies in sworn testimony to a grand jury.

    • Observation 11 months ago

      Perhaps you are not aware buchser…
      But you can’t have an impersonator if you yourself don’t have an identity to begin with.

  3. Observation 11 months ago

    To the actual Buchser Alum. I did not leave that reply to you. It was also some impersonator, probably the same person imitating you. I agree with your post.

    • Buchser Alum 11 months ago

      To the actual observation,
      I agree with the impersonator who’s actually the real observer impersonating the real buchser alum responding to the observer.
      The actual Buchser Alum.

    • Buchser Alum 11 months ago

      I will try to remember that they are impersonating you as well as me. They are impersonating me all over the place. I do not know what point they are trying to make by impersonating other commenters. The point I get from it is that we have gotten under their skin for some reason and they think about us so much that they have to lash out like a child instead of commenting on the issues with their own identity or their own alias.
      I am surprised they do not feel embarrassed to show everyone that they spend their free time thinking so much about us.
      It is too bad that Silicon Valley Voice does not change their commenting system so that commenters can be verified or that they do not care at all about regular readers and commenters being impersonated.

  4. Observation 11 months ago

    Buchser Alum,
    It is quite unfortunate that people are posing as you everywhere. You seem to be posting about your thoughts way too frequently, and you ought to stop criticizing council members for a case that hasn’t even gone to trial. It almost seems like you’re a little kid who is obsessed with Anthony Becker.
    It surprises me that you don’t feel ashamed about spending time thinking about someone, even yet you would be too scared to express your thoughts without using your own name.
    Should Silicon Valley Voice modify their comments system, you wouldn’t be present here complaining about the very thing you are doing.
    These days, it seems like you contradict yourself far too frequently to really have an opinion.

  5. Buchser Alum 11 months ago

    You’re right, it’s important for me to take into account the fact that I don’t currently have any firsthand knowledge of a case that hasn’t gone to trial.
    I am aware that I am not required to provide identification for my opinion on this website, and I therefore appreciate that others are not required to either..
    Thank you Silicon Valley Voice and to Mr. Miles.

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