The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones – A Birthday of Bafflement – Opinion

Salute to America and another memorable birthday and you must wonder, how much longer this can go on? Based on the actions of our governments, state and federal, can we make it for another generation?

Given the undercurrent and overt behavior by politicians, both in California and the national scene, you may have some doubts.

Not enforcing the laws, turning criminals loose, free theft, all have a price. The price? Simply what we have always accepted as the way a civil society works…is being stolen.


The freedom to meet without fear of being mugged, or parking your car on the street overnight without the windows being broken, or respect for individual rights and property…is at risk.

This growing plague is unhealthy for our communities and our country. Disrespect for the law has always had consequences as a deterrent, until we voted to pass a new law which does away with law and with it, the penalties.

Do we see any lawmakers rushing to the rescue with any amendments to repeal this abandonment of law? Not yet. And we may not until some legislator has his car stripped, or is mugged by someone who just went through the revolving door of the justice system for mugging someone else, or has a family member seriously injured by the bad guys.

While loosening the laws has been devastating to many large cities, the lack of law enforcement is noticed by its lack of teeth. We voted into office district attorneys who promote repetitive crime by repeat and virgin offenders.

The thieves know they will receive a “get out of jail free” card. No penalty means no law. No law means anarchy. Anarchy promotes the abandonment of law, and the result is fear, uncertainty, suspicion and finally chaos.

This is exactly what the enemies of America want. Those who have studied war know the best way to attack an enemy is from within its own territory.

On this holiday, America’s birthday, many Americans continue to seek what is right and just. We simply have never been invaded before and as a result are unsure of how to confront this internal enemy of freedom.

With elections on the distant hillside, making an immediate change in our moral compass will be left to those who choose to do right for themselves, their families and their neighbors.

Omaha Steaks_Image.
  1. Buchser Alum 2 years ago

    There seems to be a mistake in that what seems to be Miles Barber’s latest installment of ranting and raving about impending anarchy due to a state of lawlessness by his contention has an Erika Towne byline.

  2. Miles Barber 2 years ago

    Mr. Buchser:
    I have noticed your comments for many years. You have not made a positive comment that entire time which makes me think you are Lisa Gillmor writing under an alias.
    However, I know Lisa is much smarter than your caustic comments.
    Miles Barber

    • Jim 2 years ago

      Gee Miles. Don’t be too hard on “Buchser”. Liberals are very sensitive, and whine a lot too.

    • Buchser Alum 2 years ago

      You are confused. I have not been commenting here for even a year.
      And it is obvious to anyone who has their wits about them that I am not Lisa Gillmor.

      • Buchser 2 2 years ago

        Buchser Alum-hole,
        You’ve been commenting for years, just under different names. Obviously, you’re not Lisa Gillmor, Miles has already clarified that: You’re much dumber than she is.

        • Buchser Alum 2 years ago

          Buchser 2,
          I have never commented on this site except when using the alias I have been using and had not started commenting even one year ago.
          If you want to fabricate fictional narratives in your head then go right ahead but that is what you are doing.

          • Buchser 2 2 years ago

            Buchser Alum-hole,
            Turn about is fair play. You’ve been fabricating fictional narratives in your head for a long time. I suggest it’s high time for you and your stupid comments to be censured and removed from this website by Miles.

          • Buchser Alum 1 year ago

            Buchser 2,
            “Censure” or “censor?”
            Miles and his employees are free to do either as this is their publication after all.
            You can ignore my comments should you choose to. Or continue to show what you are all about just as you have been doing. Or not ignore my comments and reply to them like a mature adult.
            It is your choice what to do just as Miles and his employees have their own choices to make and I have mine.

          • Bushser 2 1 year ago

            Buchser Alum-hole,
            And you are perfectly free to ignore my comments also. Miles defined you perfectly well: You are obviously not Lisa Gillmor; you are only her immature water-boy. As for your obsession with the 49ers, it’s likely that you’ve had your head kicked recently by a football.

          • Buchser Alum 1 year ago

            Buchser 2,
            Your sputtering attempts at insult are always an amusing read. For however long that the Silicon Valley Voice allows a commenter to make crude personal insults at other commenters I hope that you continue to do so. I can just imagine you shaking your fist while you try to come up with what you think is witty invective.
            As I said Miles is very confused. I have not been commenting here for even a year. And I do not only comment negatively. I mostly comment with negative reactions to a lot of the partisan political coverage here but I have also written plenty of comments thanking writers for their coverage of a topic or complimented them on their writing or asked questions of clarification that I hope to be answered not only for my own edification.
            But evidently Miles does not read comments on pieces except for the opinion column he named after himself.
            Or he gets confused and forgets things that he reads.

          • Buchser 2 1 year ago

            Buchser Alum-hole,
            Perhaps my comments would be more amusing and witty invective had I use your words “childish and insipid” and directed the same insults towards you: “Actually a schoolchild could be more insightful and more effectively insulting”.

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