The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back: Week of February 13th Headlines

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (February 14, 1919)

  • Santa Clara to Honor Returned Soldiers and Sailors on July 4th
  • Santa Clarans to Attend Peace Meeting February 19-20: Chamber of Commerce and Woman’s Club delegates Selected to Attend Pacific Coast Congress in San Francisco to promote ‘League of Nations’
  • Have you Helped the Belgian Drive?: Donations of Warm Clothing Needed
  • Sets of All Bills from State Legislature Sent Here:  On File in Town Hall and Public Library
  • Attorney John J. Jones Opens New Office in Bank of Italy Building in San Jose
  • Income Tax is to be Paid by March 15th
  • Daylight Savings Begins March 30th as Provided by an Act of Congress and Signed by President Wilson
  • Attempt Made to Rob Mead Jewelry Store on Franklin Street
  • Homestead Road Damaged by Heavy Rains: Creek Overflows its Bank West of Santa Clara
  • Tractor Class Enrolls 100 Students: Warehouse Secured for Study Rooms: City Will Install Lights
  • Bid in Trustee Sale of San Jose’s Vendome Hotel
  • San Jose is Going Broke with Loss of License Fees from Large Number of Saloons Closed by Prohibition


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (February 12, 1969)

  • Group Supporting Gary Gillmor in Mayoral Election Protests at City Council: Objects to 4-3 Vote that Replaced Him as Honorary Mayor
  • Photo of Charles Kinney Who is Now Serving as Honorary Mayor
  • Court Issues Temporary Injunction Against the Construction of Valley Continuation High School at the Controversial Location at 1495 Don Ave.
  • Orvill Clark’s Anti-Tax Strategy: Vocal Opponent of Valley Continuation High School Forming Group to Oppose School District Tax Measure in March Election
  • Coin Thief Comes Back to Ransack Home for 23-cents More:  After Robbing Large Coin Collection from House on Pruneridge Ave., Thief Comes Back Next Day for a Few More Coins
  • Group of Mexican American Parents Expected to Register Complaints at SCUSD Board Meeting Tomorrow on Last Minute Changes in Qualifications for Community Liaison Official
  • Hearing Date Set for Urban Renewal ‘Mission Project’
  • Triton Museum Fundraiser:  Two Tennessee Williams Plays Will be Performed at the Museum

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