The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back: Santa Clara Headlines From April 1

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (April 2, 1920)

  • Father Ricard at the University of Santa Clara Observatory Predicts April Rains to Aid Farmers
  • Firemen’s Benefit Dance to be Held April 10th
  • Monday’s Political Battle Creating Keen Interest: Annual Town Election on April 8th Promises to be Exciting: Sample Ballots in Mail
  • Hiram Johnson has Splendid Record Say Local Supporters of the Republican Candidate for President
  • County Auto Camp for Santa Clara?: Chamber of Commerce Suggests Co-operating with County Board of Supervisors to Secure Camp Ground Here
  • Good Friday: Local Businesses will Close Noon to 3 on this Day
  • University of Santa Clara Students Now on Easter Break
  • Will Complete Santa Cruz Road: Highway Commission Calls for Bids on Glenwood-Los Gatos Section of Pavement
  • Pratt-Low Preserving Company Opening for Season
  • Mill Men Demand $1-per-day Wage Increase: Threaten Strike Against Pacific Manufacturing Company of Santa Clara, Chase Lumber Company and Old Valley Mill


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (April 1, 1970)

  • 19-year-old Santa Clara Philharmonic Dies: Will Hold Only One More Concert
  • Federal Government’s Loan Denial Makes Mayor Gary Gillmor Angry: Nixon Administration Denies Loan to Northern California Power Association
  • North of Bayshore-area Plans Described
  • Benjamin Swig, Chairman of San Francisco’s Fairmont Hotel, Elected Santa Clara University Board of Trustees Chairman: First Lay Person Elected to this Position Which is Usually Held by the Jesuit President of the University
  • Register to Vote Now
  • City Street Department Plants 800 Free Trees; 100 Trouble-Maker Trees Investigated: If City Approves Tree Removal, Resident Must Pay Fee for Service
  • Santa Clara Man and San Jose Woman Both Injured in Crash at Lawrence Expressway and Homestead Road
  • Unhappy Postal Workers Told by National Union to End 2-day Walk-out in Santa Clara

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