The Silicon Valley Voice

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Free COVID-19 Testing, New Testing Site in San Jose

Santa Clara County took time today to remind residents that COVID-19 testing is free. To get tested, you don’t need insurance or even symptoms. The County and the State of California, in partnership with Verily, have opened an additional testing site at PAL Stadium in East Side San Jose. The goal is to test an additional 300 people a day at this new site.

To be eligible for the test, residents must be 18 years or older and electronically sign a COVID-19 Public Health Authorization Form and Lab Consent. Residents must visit the Baseline COVID-19 Program at to screen their symptoms and make an appointment for testing. According to John Propst, Head of COVID-19 Testing Operations with Verily, he’s seen the test take less than three minutes with an appointment.

The PAL Stadium testing site’s hours are 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, and it’s walkable or you can also drive up to get tested. To find other sites visit or call 2-1-1.


This announcement expands on the announcement made last Friday, where County of Santa Clara COVID-19 Testing Officer Dr. Marty Fenstersheib stated that workers who interact with the public should get tested for free at least once a month.

Today, Dr. Fenstersheib also reminded the public that there is a new, less-uncomfortable testing procedure. They now use short nasal swabs that do not need to be inserted as deeply as previous tests. This newer test is self-administered at the testing site. When tested, you insert the short nasal swab into each nostril for 10 seconds and then place the swab into a container to be tested.

The County has a goal of testing 4,000 people a day, but Dr. Fenstersheib emphasized that workers who interact with the public are a high priority.

Dr. Fenstersheib also revealed plans to eventually launch mobile testing sites.*

For more information, visit


*Update: On Friday, May 22, the County did a soft launch of a mobile testing unit that will serve East Side San Jose.


  1. sally toner 4 years ago

    I’m an “essential worker”. no doctor. no health insurance. Would like to get tested if possible. Don’t feel like calling though. Just a site where I can go get tested please. If not, I don’t want to bother

  2. Jojo 4 years ago

    Sorry, but I am not taking public transportation anywhere. Might have been nice to see if shopping centers like Target at El Camino and Scott which has a considerable amount of paved real estate in front of it, probably unused due to SIP rules, would have allowed testing on premises. Convenient and pedestrian friendly. I know – probably not feasible for legal reasons – but just a thought. It does me no good to be able to walk to the actual testing site if I cannot commute to it by walking to it.

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