The Silicon Valley Voice

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Dance in the Daytime Returns to Mission College

Dance in the Daytime Returns to Mission College

Mission College’s student population used to be primarily evening commuters.  They took advantage career-enhancing skills and enrichment classes while waiting for rush hour traffic to subside.  As the student population transitioned from night to day students, so have the course offerings.

Modern Dance is a staple course in many college’s Physical Education and Dance programs.  This holds true at Mission College as well. For the first time in a number of years, Modern Dance will be offered not at night, but during daylight hours. “Many full time Mission College students do not even know that there are dance classes offered on campus. Daytime dance classes will hopefully get students excited about moving.  Dance is a wonderful way to release stress while exercising in a creative and interactive environment,” says Denaya Dailey, modern dance instructor.


Modern Dance is an American dance form created as an expression of rebellion against the restrictions of classical ballet.  Students use their entire bodies including the full range of motion of their torso, arms and legs. Think “contemporary” style from So You Think You Can Dance.  Students gain strength, technique and body control, work cooperatively and collaboratively and have fun.  Athletes of every kind – men as well as women will benefit from the moves in this class.

Dailey has been teaching dance, yoga and pilates at Mission College since 2006.  She has participated in, and choreographed, many dance performances throughout California. Modern Dance: Wellness and Human Performance, section 22198, is offered at Mission College on Wednesdays, from 12:30 to 1:55 p.m., beginning August 29th. For more information, go to or contact the instructor at

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