The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

The 6th Annual Classy Bag Affaire

The 6th Annual Classy Bag Affaire

David’s Restaurant’s banquet hall was full of beautifully dressed Santa Clara women Saturday morning. They–and a sprinkle of men–were there to bid on gorgeous bags stuffed with goodies at the 6th annual Soroptimist Classy Bag Affaire.

Over 200 guests bid on 41 bags. Even if they weren’t in the market for a bag, the guests had a chance to win over 40 doorbusters and a handful of raffle prizes.

It was like a spring fashion preview at this event. The guests were dressed handsomely; some with beautiful hats and fascinators–those classy headpieces the British usually wear to fancy affairs.

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The room were decorated with jewel tone blue and silver décor. The tables’ centerpieces were adroble glass bags to match the theme. Guests scouted out the bags before the bidding. They were displayed on long tables that spanned the length of the long banquet hall.

One of the best steals was a bronze gold trimmed bag full of beauty goodies valued at $407 and sold for $175. This lot was cleverly named “Call me Beautiful!” which had lively volunteer auctioneer Peter Anning singing. Anning hosts all of the bag auctions.

Birthday girl Roseann LaCoursiere won the bid for a leather tote full of Italian delights including wine and restaurant gift cards.

The biggest buy was a 49er themed bundle that included season game tickets, a 49er pillow pet, and more. Valued at $1,500, Jared Danstrom, a San Jose resident, scooped up the prize for $2,025 after an intense paddle waving battle.

“The energy in the room when a coveted item comes up for bid and you see bid paddles go up as they try to outbid each other,” said Soroptimist President Marlee Dunn Dunn. “Whether it be a getaway to Las Vegas, time in Napa, Disneyland, wine tour, beautiful jewelry, or some just want the handbag. It is a Win-Win situation.”

The bags, their contents, and prizes were generously donated by members and outside supporters. They had a goal of $26,000 this year. Proceeds will be divided up to multiple organizations and causes including “Women Helping Women” and “Safe Home” birthday parties for children at domestic violence shelters.

Linda Barber, Elizabeth Reeves and Birdie Pacelli were co-chairs of the event.

“We worked for months and months,” said Pacelli in her sparkling black and white dress and grey hat. “My house was an organized chaos. My living room was full of purses and gift cards. It was fun. It was so much fun.”

Anning had his hands full with the excited crowd. He skillfully kept the energy up while occasionally having to keep everyone’s voices down. “Don’t make me bring a Santa Clara librarian in here to shush you,” warned Anning. “They’re mean!”

“It was a lot of fun,” said Anning. “It feels good to raise money for a good cause.”


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