The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Sunnyvale City Council Seat #2 Candidate: Josh Grossman

The Silicon Valley Voice has invited local candidates running for office to speak directly to the voters via our website. We asked candidates for Sunnyvale City Council to tell voters, in a short essay, about the challenges and opportunities in their jurisdictions and their ideas for addressing problems and leveraging opportunities.

Since I first moved to the Silicon Valley as a school boy a lot has changed; nowhere more so than Sunnyvale.  In many cases these changes have not been in the best interests of the citizens of our city. Decisions made by our city should benefit everyone, not just the PACs and developers that fund the campaigns of most of our City Council Candidates. That’s why I only accept individual contributions.

As a technology executive and attorney I’ve learned how to get things done and bring about innovative solutions to tough problems. As a council person, I’ll use those skills to help solve the issues we face like traffic, balanced growth, saving our parks, reducing airplane noise and even seemingly simple things like picking a garbage can for the city that works. To paraphrase another, I believe that there is nothing wrong with Sunnyvale that what is right with Sunnyvale can’t fix.


As a former School Board President and current chair of the Sunnyvale Housing and Human Services Commission I have a track record of fighting for citizens who otherwise wouldn’t have a voice. I will use my vote on the council to work for you—not PACs and developers.

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