The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

School Board Makes Plans for Measure Money

The Feb. 7 School Board meeting held by the Santa Clara Unified School District (SCUSD) began by honoring and recognizing the achievements of Wilcox High School psychologist, Laura Whitmore. Whitmore was awarded posthumously with the Nadine M. Lambert Award for Region II from the California Association for School Psychologists on Nov. 9, 2018. Vickie Fairchild, Area 2 Member in SCUSD, said that Whitmore was “an exemplary role model for everyone that has met her.” The award was presented to Dr. Stanley Rose III, the SCUSD Superintendent, by Kathie Kanavel, the Assistant Superintendent.


Santa Visits Alviso Foundation’s 35th Anniversary

SCUSD recognized the Santa Visits Alviso Foundation, its founders Judy Santiago and her late husband Joe Santiago, and the Foundation’s Board Chairman, Richard Santos, for their support and dedication to George Mayne Elementary School and the children and families of the larger Alviso community.


The recognition was given by Andrew C. Lucia, the Assistant Superintendent of School Support and District Development, to Rose. Jennifer Dericco, the SCUSD Public Information Officer, who also prepared the recognition, said that Judy Santiago helped SCUSD approve the ‘Santa Visits Alviso Foundation’ since its founding 35 years ago. The foundation supports organizations such as George Mayne Elementary School, Alviso Reading Library and the Santa Visits Alviso Scholarship Program. Santa Visits Alviso Foundation’s Holiday Program have gifted books and photos with Santa to over 600 kids annually and it connects the community to local organizations and services such as SCUSD’s Family Resource Center. The School Board thanked the Santiagos by saying, “Judy, Richard, we thank you and the Foundation for your continued generosity and the care and support you selflessly give to the Alviso community and George Mayne Elementary School.”


Report on a Plan for Measures BB-2018, H-2014, H-2010, and J-2004

On Dec. 13, 2018, the Board of Trustees certified the election results of voter approval of Measure BB 2018, permitting the issuance of $720,000,000 in General Obligation Bonds for the purposes stated in the ballot. The subject of the presentation, prepared by Larry Adams, the Director of School Bond Projects, is a report on a plan to create a consolidated Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for Measures BB-2018, H-2014, H-2010, and J-2004. The committee’s purpose is to report to the public regarding the conformance of bond expenditures with the purposes stated in the ballot measure approved by the voters.


Thoughtexchange: A New Community Engagement Platform

Thoughtexchange is a community engagement platform that will be implemented throughout the schools of the SCUSD. This new platform was introduced in the School Board meeting by Jennifer Dericco and the budget for the platform and its services is $18,000, with $9,000 added for mailing. Sixty thousand households received a districtwide postcard with additional information and an invitation to two community forums on March 12 and 13. Thoughtexchange is a platform that takes open conversational styles that schools successfully use at in-person forums and scale it up for meaningful community-wide conversations with hundreds of people.


Measure BB-2018 Master Plan

In regards to the Measure BB-2018 Master Plan, the total facilities needs cost estimates is valued at $562,800,000 and the proposed bond measure is $720,000,000. The remaining $157,200,000 is budgeted for a cost escalation contingency reserve, a program scope contingency reserve, project management costs and bond sale costs. The proposed bond measure includes $250,000,000 going towards the Angews Campus and $112,829,000 going towards Patrick Henry Master Plan projects. $21,774,000 will be directed towards restructuring play structures, shade structures, fencing and gates, and paving. The first phase of construction is in 2019, the second phase is in 2020, the third phase is in 2021, and the fourth phase is in 2022.

The next scheduled School Board meeting is after their Winter Break on Thursday, March 7 at 6:30 p.m.


Correction: The article has been updated after some corrections were suggested by SCUSD’s Jennifer Dericco. 


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