The Silicon Valley Voice

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Santa Clara Residents Asked to Assist with Lead and Copper Monitoring Program

The City of Santa Clara requests residents’ assistance to test their homes’ tap water as part of the City’s water quality monitoring program.

In 1991, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passed regulations aimed at minimizing exposure to lead and copper in drinking water. Since then, all public water systems, including Santa Clara, have conducted special lead and copper monitoring of household tap water in their service area every three years.

The City of Santa Clara is seeking volunteers from residents residing in homes with copper plumbing that were constructed before 1986 that are most likely to contain lead, lead solder or copper plumbing materials. To confirm eligibility to participate in the sampling program, your home must also meet the following condition requirements:

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  • Homes must not have a water softener or home filtration unit connected to the main cold-water line.
  • Homes must not have had their internal piping replaced.
  • If these conditions exist at your residence, you can be included in the monitoring program.

Participants only have to collect one sample of tap water. They will fill a special one-liter container with water that must have stood motionless in the interior plumbing for at least six hours, but no more than 12 hours. The sample must only be taken at the very beginning of the morning.

If you would like to participate please email with the following details: Name, Address, Phone Number, Year Home Built. The City of Santa Clara will respond to verify your participation.

After participants have collected the sample, City staff will pick it up and send it to a state-certified laboratory to be analyzed for both lead and copper. Participants will be provided a copy of the analytical results at no charge. Please note that when City personnel pick up the sample, they will provide photo identification and will not enter your residence.

If you have any questions or would like to have more detailed information on the Lead and Copper Monitoring program, call Annette Duerksen at (408) 615-2004.

Kelly FortCity_Image.

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