The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Santa Clara Police Report: March 7 – 13

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge.

Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (, is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.

Based on the mandatory orders from Santa Clara County Public Health, the City of Santa Clara has implemented many service level changes, limited to essential services. Since the preparation and distribution of a Police Blotter is not an essential service, it will be produced as resources are available.



Sunday, March 7, 2021

Warrant Arrest

Location: 3700 Block of El Camino Real

An officer made consensual contact with a female subject on the 3700 block of El Camino Real.

A Records check revealed the subject had a zero bail misdemeanor warrant. She was issued a Notice to Appear for the warrant and released from the scene.

Time: 0935

Case Number: 21-307045


Monday, March 8, 2021


Location: 601 El Camino Real

Between 2/20/2021 and 3/3/2021, a victim received several calls from a subject stating the victim had won $5.5 million from Publisher’s Clearing House, plus $10,000 a week for the rest of the victim’s life.

The subject was promised the winnings following paying the fees associated with the “prize winning patrol.”

During this timeframe, the victim mailed approximately $39,000 in five installments to the subject to claim the winnings. This eventually over drafted the victim’s account. In turn, the financial institution processing the requests alerted the victim’s son about the suspicious withdrawals, who reported the incident to the Santa Clara Police Department.

This remains an active investigation.

Time:  1200

Case Number: 21-308045


Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Location: 3100 Block of Stevens Creek Boulevard

Between 2/05/2021 and 2/22/2021, an unknown subject(s) wrote 10 checks to different people throughout the U.S. from a business on the 3100 block of Stevens Creek Boulevard. The checks totaled $172,400.

Business representatives confirmed they did not write the checks, nor were they familiar with the individuals the checks were written to. The unknown subject(s) are at large.

Time:  1611

Case Number: 21-309140


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Petty Theft

Location: 200 Block of N. Winchester Boulevard

Despite having a trespass admonishment on record, a male subject entered a business on the 200 block of N. Winchester Boulevard and stole 16 items valued at $91.23 and left the store without paying for the merchandise.

The subject was identified from several prior incidents however he had fled the scene prior to police arrival. Store personnel requested prosecution for petty theft and trespassing.

Time:  1502

Case Number: 21-310114


Thursday, March 11, 2021


Location: 2300 Block of Homestead Road

The victim received a pop-up notification on their personal computer that it had been frozen and to resolve the problem the victim needed to contact Microsoft. The victim was unable to navigate the computer and eventually clicked the link on the pop-notification. This link was believed to be for Microsoft’s customer service phone number.

The subject that answered the phone told the victim the computer and cell phone had been hacked. During this call, the subject was also deceived into believing there was a charge on the victim’s bank account for pornographic material totaling $25,800. The subject also led the victim to believe that the Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration has been contacted due to the high dollar amount of the fraudulent charge.

The victim was instructed to purchase $51,600 in Target and Apple gift cards. The victim provided the subject with 54 gift cards numbers from Target totaling $25,800. The victim was unable to contact the suspect to provide them with the Apple Gift cards numbers.

After receiving a follow-up call from an individual falsely identifying themselves from the Social Security Administration about a warrant for their arrest, the subject contacted the Santa Clara Police Department to report this incident.

The victim was provided with a case number in an effort to refund the money for the Apple gift cards. Meanwhile, this investigation remains active.

Time: 1125

Case Number: 21-311055


Friday, March 12, 2021

Petty Theft

Location: 300 Block of Carriage Drive

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call for service on the 300 block of Carriage Drive regarding a prior theft.

At approximately 0450 hours, the victim woke to multiple notifications on their phone regarding a subject on their front porch. An unknown subject(s) stole a stroller, valued at $500.

The victim drove around the neighborhood in hopes of locating the stroller without success. Later in the day, at approximately 1927 hours, the stroller was reported to law enforcement as stolen.

Time:  1927

Case Number: 21-312167


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Warrant Arrest

Location: Scott Boulevard and Space Park Drive

An officer on patrol conducted a license plate check on a vehicle traveling on Central Avenue approaching Scott Boulevard. The return indicated the registration was expired and the officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop.

A Records check revealed the female driver had a $10,000 warrant. The subject was issued a Notice to Appear and released from the scene.

Time:  1959

Case Number: 21-313157


During these challenging times, if you find yourself in a troubling situation, the Santa Clara Police Department encourages you to utilize the following community resources:

  • Disaster Distress Helpline, 800-985-5990
  • Domestic Violence Crisis Line, 800-799-7233
  • Emergency, 9-1-1
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness, 800-950-6264 or text 741741
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 800-273-8255
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 800-662-4357
  • Veteran’s Crisis Line, 800-273-8255


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