The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Police Report: Sept 16 – 22

Sunday, September 16, 2018


Location:  3600 Block of Stevens Creek Boulevard


At approximately 1720 hours, two suspects driving a vehicle with paper plates pulled up behind an occupied, parked vehicle on the 3600 block of Stevens Creek Boulevard. The suspects broke the rear window to the occupied vehicle and took a backpack containing two laptops, valued at approximately $3,000. The suspects fled the scene prior to police arrival.

Time: 1721

Case Number: 18-8664


Monday, September 17, 2018

Man with a Gun

Location:  2200 Block of Pasetta Drive

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call from a reporting party who observed a two male subjects on the 2200 block of Pasetta Drive, one of which was carrying a gun and was observed shooting.

Officers responded to the area, established a perimeter and located two subjects matching the reporting party’s description. An officer gave the subjects verbal commands. The subject carrying the handgun immediately tossed the firearm and yelled to the officer that it was an airsoft gun. Officers confirmed it was an airsoft pellet gun.

One subject was issued a citation for discharging a weapon.

Time: 1614

Case Number: 18-8691



Location: 2500 Block of Bowers Avenue

Officers were dispatched to the 2500 block of Bowers Avenue on the report of an unknown suspect in a resident’s backyard. Arriving officers located the suspect who refused verbal commands and fled on foot from the residence.

The officer deployed a controlled electronic weapon to gain control of the suspect and prevent his escape. He was safely taken into custody. He was arrested and medically cleared at a local hospital.

Time: 1832

Case Number: 18-8694


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Warrant Arrest

Location:  El Camino Real and Nobili Avenue

An officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop on El Camino Real and Nobili Avenue. A Records check revealed the female driver had two outstanding warrants in the amount of $125,000. She was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

Time: 0030

Case Number: 18-8740


Annoy Child

Location:  3400 Block of Agate Drive

SCPD Officers responded to the 3400 block of Agate Drive on the report of a subject who grabbed and kissed a juvenile victim against their will.

The responding officer located the subject matching the witness description. An in-field show up confirmed the subject’s identity. The subject was taken into custody without incident.

Time: 1519

Case Number: 18-8728


NOTE: Officers conducted parking enforcement in the areas of Los Padres Boulevard, El Capitan Avenue, Sheraton Drive and Staats Way. These areas have signs posted, stating “One hour parking between the hours of 12am to 6am.” Approximately ten (10) vehicles were cited for parking over the one- hour limit without the proper resident parking permit. 


NOTE: The following statement was released from Santa Clara Unified School District to Bracher, Cabrillo and Wilcox families.


Dear Bracher, Cabrillo, and Wilcox Families:

This message is to inform you of a concerning incident that occurred this afternoon near Agate Drive and Monticello Way in Santa Clara. 

Here are the facts we know from the Santa Clara Police Department. A 61-year-old East Indian man was arrested for annoying a minor. The man, a local resident known to have mental health issues, approached and made inappropriate contact with a 17-year-old female student while she traveled home from school today.

We want to share this information with you, remind you to speak with your child about stranger safety, and ask you to report any suspicious behavior to local authorities immediately. You can reach the Santa Clara Police Department at (408) 615-4700. If the situation is an emergency, please call 911.

Here is a helpful stranger safety resource to guide your conversation with your child.

Your school administration, the district administration, and the Santa Clara Police Department are all aware of the incident and are working together to ensure student safety. The police department will continue to monitor the area and the individual.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Residential Burglary

Location: 1600 Block of Hope Drive

The victim left a residence on 09/19/2018 at approximately 0820 hours.  The victim returned to the residence on 09/19/2018 at approximately 1930 hours and noticed the sliding screen and glass door partially opened.  The victim was not sure if either were locked upon departure. The victim noticed several items had been stolen (approximate value of $2,500.00) from within the residence.
Time: 2010

Case Number: 18-8773


Thursday, September 20, 2018


Location:  Lick Mill Boulevard and Hope Drive

A victim reported a previous strong-arm robbery at approximately 1400 hours on 9/19/18 on the 1200 block of Hope Drive.

The victim was walking near the Agnew Historic Cemetery and Museum and passed an unidentified male subject standing on the walkway. The suspect then approached the victim from behind and grabbed the victim’s necklace, valued at approximately $1,500.  The victim struck the suspect several times in the face with a metal water bottle. The victim was accompanied by a juvenile at the time of the robbery. The suspect fled the area.

Time: 0938

Case Number: 18-8789


NOTE:  The above incident is one of five mid-day, week-day, strong-arm robberies since March, 2018. In each case, the suspect targets females of East Indian descent with a visible gold chain around their neck. The subject either approaches the victim from behind, snatches the jewelry and runs away. Each incident has occurred along El Camino Real and the Guadalupe River.

The Santa Clara Police Department advises individuals to:

  • Conceal jewelry, especially gold necklaces, under clothing;
  • Limit the amount of money you carry;
  • Be aware of your surroundings. For example, cell phones and head phones can be distracting;
  • Walk in pairs;
  • Carry a cell phone; and,
  • Trust your instincts.

If you feel unsafe, get to a safe place and report the suspicious behavior or situation. Promptly dial 9-1-1- in an emergency. Non-emergency situations should quickly be reported by calling (408)615-5580.


Friday, September 21, 2018

Drunk in Public

Location: Accolti Way and El Camino Real

Officers were dispatched to Accolti Way at El Camino Real on the report of two intoxicated males arguing with Santa Clara University Campus Safety personnel.

Both males displayed objective symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Suspect #1’s blood alcohol content was 0.208 and suspect #2 was measured at 0.197.Both subjects were arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

Time: 0017

Case Number: 18-8822


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Warrant Arrest – Felony

Location:  2100 Block of Tasman Drive

An officer was dispatched to the 2100 block of Tasman Drive on the report of a male subject trespassing.

The officer located the subject matching the description provided by the reporting party. A Records check revealed the subject had an outstanding felony warrant. He was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

Time: 0403

Case Number: 18-8876

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