The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Remove potentially dangerous old, unwanted or unused prescription drugs from your medicine cabinet and dispose of them at this event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parking lot of the Santa Clara Police Department, 601 El Camino Real. The safe disposal of these drugs, especially controlled substances, keeps the drugs out of the hands of children, teens and adults who might abuse them, and also prevents them from entering the wastewater system. For information, see the national Drug Enforcement Agency website at The Oct. 29 event is open to residents and non-residents. Year round, Santa Clara residents (only) may dispose of unwanted prescription drugs at a secured drop off location in the Santa Clara Police Department lobby during normal business hours.

For anyone over 59 and unable to participate in the October 29, 2011 medication drop off, please call Heart of the Valley, Services for Seniors at (408) 241-1571.

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