The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Mission City Voices: My Prayer

Since 1955 I have been going to St. Justin’s church when it occupied a barn on Scott Boulevard in Santa Clara. I attended religious classes and Mass when the church moved to its permanent location on Homestead Road. I participated two or three times a week through my school years, from grade school through high school. The classes and Mass always felt pretty routine at St. Justin’s, but many years later on a Sunday, after I was divorced with three children, I found myself at St Martin’s church by Valley Fair.

I had never been at St. Martin’s before, but it was just another church, or so I thought. We were early and I chose to sit in the front pew with my three children. Mass felt like any other Mass in which I have attended over the years. Recently, I was having some personal problems and as Mass routinely proceeded, I reached out in my prayers and asked silently for guidance to an issue I was having. I needed to know that I was doing everything I could to solve my problem.

Suddenly the priest, whom I have never met, stopped half way through his routine. He walked to the front of the altar and addressed the crowded church. He announced,


“Before I continue this Mass, I would like everyone to recognize this wonderful family I have seated here.” He gestured to to me and my kids and asked, “Would everyone give them a round of applause.” With his warmest smile directed at me as they applauded, he winked and then turned back to proceed and finish the Mass. It was a beautiful moment for me. I instantly felt the warmth of his gesture and knew my prayers had been answered.


Do you have a personal essay that you’d like to submit for consideration? Send them to subject line: Mission City Voices.

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1 Comment
  1. 6 years ago

    Thank you Larry. Heartfelt words.

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