The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones – The Magic Ingredient! – Opinion

Opportunity has two options. Pass or take advantage.

Sometimes it drops in our lap. On other occasions, it requires action by the person or organization to step up and grab opportunity with a firm embrace.

Usually, the “chance” to act on an obvious opportunity is not always visualized by the person or organization when it is presented. The Universe tends to drop possibilities in a variety of ways to everyone. This appears often as a test of whether the individual or organization will act and pour their energy into continuation, expansion and completion.


For many, life has so many distractions and people are so busy trying to solve their problems, recognizing opportunity is dimmed by daily demands.

It is not uncommon to be distracted by a variety of thoughts that have legs. The “what if” can run rampant in the wrong direction, which not surprisingly, adds to anxiety. When this happens, we become out of balance, focusing on problems and shelving solutions.

This can happen to individuals, and it doesn’t stop there. This pox is contagious and infectious. The spreading of gloom and doom furthers gloom and doom. You have witnessed this with individuals and organizations, governments and possibly in your own life.

No, this isn’t a “think positive” manual on life. I’m just making observations that I’ve seen over a few generations. The summary is this: Those who can, do, when they have the will. Doers do, and just get it done while complainers complain as to why it just can’t happen.

Most likely no good idea has ever taken flight without a “can do” mentality. If it was easy, everyone would embrace this model.

On the other hand, there is probably no good idea that was ever immediately embraced. In addition, there is nothing more damaging than a bad idea adopted in mass. The code to choose which is which, is that incredible gift of the Universe called common sense.

When applied liberally to any idea, concept, or society, it becomes the report card of success and failure.

For years Santa Clara residents have witnessed a city that went off the rails, out of touch and absent common sense.

The new era Council has restored balance, integrity and the wisdom to make commonsense decisions. As residents have noted, under the former Council this was not so common.

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