The Silicon Valley Voice

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Milestones – Stupid Has No Future! – Opinion

There is little hope for stupid. Making the same mistakes and expecting a superior or better result is a classic example of stupid.

Usually, bad decisions are the product of an ego run amuck. Making the same bad decisions repeatedly is living proof that sound thinking is absent in the decision process.

Whatever your opinion about the national scene, sensible people can agree that Mayor Lisa Gillmor and her old Council Members made Santa Clara a frontrunner of decisions that defy gravity.


Their hiring of Brian Doyle as City Attorney cost the city $6 million. He still thinks he was right, which is a good indication of how detached he was from reality. His failing to disclose to Council a settlement offer from CVRA attorney Robert Rubin cost Santa Clara millions.

With Doyle’s guidance, Mayor Gillmor has made a bucket load of stupid mistakes that continue to this day. Operating the convention center was one of the first big ones. Gillmor and City Manager Deanna Santana hired a former colleague of Santana’s to do a hit job on the Chamber of Commerce, which had managed the convention center for nearly 40 years. They turned in a $2 million profit in 2018 and got fired by Gillmor.

One of the nefarious practices for which consultant Denise Callahan and Santana condemned the Chamber was offering discounts to non-profits and big spenders. This attracted a lot of business. Now, not so much! Worse, they continue to prohibit this incentive to attract profitable conventions. Stupid.

Another mistake that falls into the same category of stupid was eliminating three or four concerts at Levi’s Stadium that performed ONE HOUR after 10 PM on weeknights. Really? Yes. Really stupid! This bonehead idea has cost Santa Clara more millions.

However, Gillmor and Santana have no remorse, and worse, are handing Santa Clara taxpayers a $34 million dollar shortfall this fiscal year. This is while Santana benefits personally from a compensation package of nearly $800,000. Why is she still employed by Santa Clara?

In addition, Gillmor’s attempt to confuse voters with the stupid and expensive Measure C which she put forth at City expense. This was her attempt to get voters to reduce the number of Council districts in Santa Clara from the court ordered six, to three. That dumb proposal didn’t go over and taxpayers still paid a few hundred thousand for her stupid idea.

As if these items weren’t enough, there is a lot more stupid that remains in place.

The new Council has slowed the runaway train, but they still must pull the stop lever to put the brakes on stupid decisions from continuing to come from Santa Clara City Hall.

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1 Comment
  1. Noel 3 years ago

    Isn’t it funny how a person who wrote a bout being stupid cannot even use the correct word form? its Stupidity! same category of stupidity* you are welcome.

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