The Silicon Valley Voice

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Milestones – Santa Clara’s Slot Machine – Opinion

Thanks to the residents of Santa Clara who possessed the foresight and fortitude to approve a 49er football stadium right here in town, the city has a golden resource that can help keep the city’s budget balanced.

While revenues have been terrific for the 49ers, Santa Clara residents have a slot machine paying out every year and bringing millions to the city.

Of course, winning their way to the Super Bowl has been terrific. However, it has been a story of “Super Bowl hangover” this season. Giving up a rash of losses after leading in the fourth quarter has been discouraging. The addition of a new defensive coordinator has not proved to be the tonic the 49ers hoped.


However, the 49er Faithful continue to fill Levi’s Stadium, waiting for the team to hit the jackpot with another eventual win and a trip to the “Big Game”.

Hitting the jackpot in the big game is an ancillary objective desired by the team, the coaches, the owners, the fans and the community.

Meanwhile, the stadium continues to explode with fans, food and the fascination of football as the season passes the halfway point.

What is often overlooked is, win or lose, the revenue benefiting residents as funds pour into Santa Clara coffers from sales taxes, parking, ticket fees and profits from concerts.

In a recent review, Council Member Suds Jain took a deep dive into the numbers and completed an impressive analysis of the revenues generated from Levi’s Stadium. Millions in revenue come to the city, our residents and taxpayers.

Frankly, if Santa Clara ever wanted to own a slot machine Levi’s Stadium is proving to be the slot that keeps on paying out.

Few consider that, at some point, the stadium must come down and be replaced. The demolition fund is ahead of schedule. The replacement fund is on schedule. In addition, all debts are current. Santa Clara is the envy of many cities with major league sports venues.

All of this is contrary to the negativity promoted by the Santa Clara Mayor over the last ten years.

Maybe it’s best that she starts promoting Santa Clara’s slot machine and support it as it continues to pay out for Santa Clara.


Previous Milestones:
Milestones – Much to be Grateful for – Opinion
Milestones – Return to Sanity – Opinion
Milestones – The High Cost of Cops – Opinion
Milestones – A Foot in the Door! – Opinion

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1 Comment
  1. Jim 2 months ago

    “. . the negativity promoted by the Santa Clara Mayor over the last ten years . .” is an understatement. She is rude and nasty to citizens too.

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