The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones – Is It The End? – Opinion

Certainly you cannot ignore the calamity, devastation, and destruction forced upon the world by a mentally deranged dictator. While the world has been awakened to the traumatic fear of what we did not want, it has again rung the alarm bells of reality by having a loose screw making insane decisions.

This is not a war to be ignored.

There is also a war raging within our own community. While it is not commensurate with the tragedy and ruin playing out in the rest of the world, one can admit that Santa Clara has endured its own embroiled battles, and for years helplessly stood by as autocratic authoritarians rearranged discipline, decorum and city operations in favor of self-serving power and making their own rules.


Decisions were made using phony, trumped-up surveys to change policy, often replacing it with irrational dictums.

The City was at the mercy of Mayor Lisa Gillmor and her four robotic followers, who invariably voted for her proposals. Gillmor’s gang shut down four nights of performances at Levi’s Stadium, costing Santa Clara millions. She and her elected groupies refused to pay Santa Clara’s share of stadium partnership bills until the San Francisco 49ers had to sue Santa Clara to collect.

It was not only the endorsement of her Council but it was also their undying support for a city attorney whose claim to fame was being a retired civil service attorney. His decisions cost Santa Clara taxpayers millions.

Gillmor’s gang also hired former City Manager Deanna Santana, whose stratospheric salary and compensation were close to $800,000 a year before she was finally terminated by Santa Clara’s new era Council last week. Santana’s actions and behavior were perfect for Gillmor as she used her military style to decimate the Chamber of Commerce and many long-term City employees. For six months a Grand Jury attempted to obtain documents from Santana, but she was clever enough to outwait them until their term was up.

For these decisions alone, Santa Clara can appreciate the new council members who have the moxie, insight, and integrity to correct the irresponsible actions of Gillmor and her groupies. Oh, that’s right, Gillmor wants you to believe this new Council is owned, funded, and directed by Jed York of the 49ers. And if you believe that one, you might also believe that Gillmor will soon be sainted.

The facts are clear to most thinking residents: the 49ers are fifty-fifty partners with Santa Clara. Protecting their share of a billion-dollar investment just might be intelligent common sense, that unusual commodity which was missing during Gillmor’s unfettered reign.

Let’s hope it is the end.


1 Comment
  1. Santa Clara Resident 2 years ago

    I like the “Gillmor must GO” that I have been hearing.

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