The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back: Week of November 14th Headlines

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (November 15, 1918)

  • United War Work Drive Successful: Santa Clara Goes Over the Top in War Campaign
  • Chamber of Commerce Does Big Work Reports President B. Fernish: Focused on ‘Win the War Campaign’
  • Santa Claran Killed in War: L. MacCauley
  • Santa Clara in Happy Mood With News of Germany’s Surrender
  • As War Ends, Great Prosperity Will Soon be at Hand
  • Local Military Camp at University of Santa Clara to Continue
  • Postmaster Charles D. South Provides Instructions for Sending Your Xmas Packages
  • Buy Food Made or Grown Near Home for Holiday Dinner Says Home Industry League
  • Granadafig Company Filling Christmas Orders
  • C.W. Haman, President of Board of Education Reports County Health Officer Okays Opening of Schools On Monday
  • Flu Mask Ruling Rescinded
  • George Glendenning Recovers from Flu
  • Quail Season Opens Today: Local Sportsmen Busy


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (November 13, 1968)

  • Local Swim Champions Honored: Coach George Haines, Jan Henna, Mark Spitz, Linda Gustavson, Gregg Buckingham, Pokey Watson, Don Schollander, and Claudia Kolb
  • Democrats Sweep Santa Clara: Hubert Humphrey, Alan Cranston, Al Alquist, John Vasconcellos and Don Edwards Win Election: Only Close Race is Ninth Congressional District Where Don Edwards Wins by 2% Margin Over Republican Larry Fargher
  • Building Law Proposed: Ordinance to Require Repairs, Vacating, or Demolishing Houses or Buildings Deemed Dangerous by City Building Inspectors
  • Tree Ordinance Reversed: City Council Changes Mind on Assigning Responsibility for Removal of Dead or Diseased Trees
  • Junior Wutzit Club to be Entertained by ‘Pink Wedge’ at Youth Village
  • Frank Barcells Announces Candidacy for Mayoral Election

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