The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back – Week of March 19

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (March 17, 1914)

  • Town Trustees Oppose Extension of Franchise: Railroad Company Must Act or Make Way for Others
  • Town Trustees Requested by Commercial League to Remove Wooden Awnings and Old Dilapidated Buildings
  • Cherry Carnival Plans Underway
  • New Boat Service to Begin April 1st Between Alviso and San Francisco: Captain H. Hammer Offers Valley Steamship Service
  • Woman’s Club to Devote Next Meeting to the Study of Art
  • New Dome Telescope Being Built at Santa Clara University: To Support Research of Father Ricard, Weather Predictor Priest
  • L.H. Albertson Will Again Lead Civic Boosters: City Needs New Hotel
  • Santa Clara Dairy Under New Management: J.L. Martin Purchases Dairy form L.H. Albertson

50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal (March 18, 1964)

  • Kaiser Hospital to be Completed and Opened in July — $5.5 Million Project
  • Santa Clara ‘Town House’ Project Studied
  • West Valley Junior College Board to Try Again With Bond Issue
  • Boost in Water Rates Okayed by Councilmen: 40% Hike to Offset Pump Tax
  • Child Too Bright? Father Knocks Schools, Threatens to Move: Says Jefferson School District Lacks Program for Gifted Students
  • Lafayette Deadlock Kills Action on Width of Street
  • Return of San Francisco Giants to Buck Shaw Stadium Set for April 13th: Giants Will Play Exhibition Game with Santa Clara University Broncos
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