The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back: Santa Clara Headlines From November 13

Santa Clara History News May 22

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (November 14, 1919)

  • Voter Registration for the 1920 Presidential Primary Will Begin January 2nd
  • Fruit Growers Campaign: California Prune and Apricot Growers, Inc. Says Continuance of Their Non-Profit Organization Past March Requires Signing-up 20,000 More Acres of Prunes and 8,000 More Acres of Apricots
  • Automobile Truck Used as a Traveling Recruiting Station for U.S. Army Hospital
  • Santa Clara’s Possibilities for Greater Advancement: Thriving Manufacturing Institutions Can Bring New Life to Dull Town: Chamber of Commerce Drive to Begin in December: Santa Clara Needs Improvement: American City Bureau Has Trained Specialists in City Building Who Can Help
  • Elks Christmas Show Will be a ‘Hummer’:  Lively Young Men Will Make San Jose Elk’s Annual Christmas Show ‘The Best Ever’
  • Santa Clara Odd Fellows Lodge Honors Service Men
  • Santa Clara Parish Sends Representatives to Episcopal Church Convocation in Palo Alto


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (November 12, 1969)

  • Chamber of Commerce Declares City the ‘Young People’s Sports Capital of the World’: Santa Clara is Spawning Ground for More Champion Amateur Athletes than Any Other City of its Size in USA
  • Strike Costs City $3,500 for Police Protection: Picket Line Violence a Problem at Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Plant
  • West Valley College Trustees Set Bond Election for February 12th: Passage of $29.2 Million Bond Measure Would Include Funds for Purchase and Construction of the Mission College Campus Site
  • Santa Clara Historical Society Will Celebrate the 114th Anniversary of City’s Volunteer Fire Department
  • Richard Elbrecht, Legal Aid Society Attorney, Gives Warning: Although Credit Good for U.S. Economy Beware Its Pitfalls: Credit Card Debt Can be Ruinous to the Financially Inexperienced such as Newlyweds
  • W.J. Nicholson, President of Nicholson-Brown Construction Co. of Santa Clara Valley, Now on Board of Regents of Santa Clara University
  • Curtis Intermediate School Will Hold a Viewing for Parents of the SCUSD Sex Education Film for 6th to 8th Graders
  • ‘Appreciation Day’ to be Held for Wounded Vietnam War Veterans
  • Library Provides Shut-in Service: Books Selected by Librarians will be Delivered to Homebound by Santa Clara Junior Woman’s Club
  • Teen [Michael Kevin Nelson] Bicycling on White Dr. Hit by Car: Treated for Head Injury at Kaiser Hospital

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