The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back: Santa Clara Headlines From April 3

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (April 4, 1919)

  • Entire City to Honor War Heroes: Welcome Committee to Have a Delegate from Every Club, Lodge, and Society in Santa Clara
  • Flying Circus Coming: American Aviators to Perform in Nine California Cities During Victory Loan Campaign
  • Governor Stephens Commends Dr. A.E. Osborne of Santa Clara for His Aid to District War Work Council
  • Salvation Army Drive Highly Successful with Support of Elks Club
  • Dangers of Bolshevism Exposed: Russians Define it as the ‘Rule of the Proletariat’ but Americans Recognize it for what it is: ANARCHY
  • Garden City Bank Makes Rapid Gains: Santa Clara Branch Surpasses Goal & Reaches $255,000 in Deposits: Head Officials to Hold Banquet in Honor of Branch Managers H. L. Warburton & George Fatjo
  • Superior Court Judge William D. Lorigan Dies in San Francisco: Raised in Santa Clara, Educated at Santa Clara College & Began Law Career in San Jose
  • Impressive Funeral Service for Charles L. Barrington, Widely Respected Merchant of San Jose and Brother of the Wife of Santa Clara Postmaster Charles D. South
  • Gypsy Fortune Teller Annoys All Passing Her Parlor: Lurid Posters are Civic Eyesore


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (April 2, 1969)

  • Shop Owners at the El Camino Shopping Center at Scott & El Camino Black Ball Federal Young Adult Project (YAP) Library: Fear Parking Problems, Vandalism & Loitering as Seen at Teen ‘Underground Library’ in Franklin Mall
  • Renewal Negotiations Underway: Santa Clara has Signed Contract with Architectural Engineering Firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall (DMJM) for Development of Six Block Urban Renewal Vacancy on Franklin Street Pending a “Precise Study” of Surrounding Area
  • Easter Bunny Heading to Central Park to Hide Gold Eggs & Treasures for Kids: Egg Hunt Early Saturday to be Followed by Egg Decorating Contest and Easter Hat Parade
  • El Camino Celebration Set for May 15th – 18th: To Showcase Improvements to El Camino Real, Chamber of Commerce to Organize Festival with Beauty Contest, Parade and Celebrity Luncheon at Mariani’s
  • Anti-Sex Education Literature Distributed by San Mateo County-based Group Calling Itself: ‘Citizens for Parental Rights’: SCUSD Superintendent Says Courses Group Objecting To Not Taught in Santa Clara Schools
  • Cool-off With a Swim: Public Swim Season Opening at International Swim Center: Resident Swim Cards Available at City Hall

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