Lawlessness, ANTIFA and BLM – Letter to the Editor

I write to you to voice my concerns regarding riots, mobs and extreme leftist groups. I am a Sunnyvale resident and a American Filipino Veteran, US Army. I lived in Sunnyvale most of my life(I am 53 years old) and I have never been a victim or seen any “systemic racism”. I’m from the school of “judge a man by his character and actions, not by the color of his skin”. I am horrified of the free reign of leftist violence, Ideology and their call to tear down statues. I implore you all to look to our Constitution and follow it. Protests and riots/looting are not the same thing. To not do anything to protect the citizens and businesses will cause major outrage. To not protect our historic monuments and statues is UNAMERICAN. Fines and jail time should be mandatory for those criminals. I support Law and Order not lawlessness.



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