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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two / Rated PG-13 for evil doings and violence.

Finally. It’s over. As a last hurrah Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two breaks all opening weekend Box Office records, making more money than even the meter counting the National Debt could keep track of. My suspicions are, at some point, money will make a siren call and Warner Bros. Studios will find a way to continue the series even though it’s over. Cher always does.

As you might recall, at the end of the last episode, the really bad guy (who I believe has a name that starts with a V) got hold of the most powerful magic wand in all of history. This gives him complete control of all existence in the universe and excuses him from having to pay personal income taxes for a period of two years. He and his army of baddies decide to take over Hogwarts and slay Harry Potter. The main bad guy is bald and has a nose that is virtually flat. He appears to have walked head-on into Kirstie Alley in an all-you-can-eat food line. Meanwhile, Harry and the kids have to stop them or face an end to all magic shows in Las Vegas. Forever. Then where would Hogwarts graduates find jobs?

This leads to a big battle when Hogwarts is turned into the Alamo. Big-time special effects, monsters and other creatures left over from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy turn up and do battle. Dragons breath fire. Everything in the school is burning. Smoke alarms are going off everywhere. There is lots of panic. Harry and his redheaded pal look frightened. Still kids, there is a scene where they take off their shirts and we can spot chest hair. The female member of the trio balks at this display and remains clad.


About an hour and a half into the movie, they get down to the big, almost final, finale. We get a flashback scene where much is explained as to what has been going on and why and what everyone has been up to and what for. Then the super big finale wand-off between HP and the guy whose name starts with a V occurs. The results are somewhat predictable. The real ending of the film is not. Can’t tell you about it here but if you decide to check on HP the Finale you won’t be disappointed. Nice way to finish up. If they really are. Take a clue when Cher announces next year’s Farewell Tour. You can believe her when she says that this is really it this time. I predict more HP magic and more money may be on the way. They like money over at Warner Bros. Especially when it rolls in from the wave of a magic wand.

Rated 3.0 out of 4.0 reasons I am glad it’s finally really over. Or is it?.

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