The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Final Family Fun Night

Final Family Fun Night

Owen Baker-Flynn performed “gross,” “goofy,” and “dangerous” stunts at the final installment of the Santa Clara Library’s Family Fun Night on July 15. Baker-Flynn balanced chairs on his chin, juggled balls, and re-constructed a newspaper all while telling jokes and entertaining the crowd. However, those weren’t the most “dangerous” things Baker-Flynn did. He also juggled knives while standing on an unbalanced board, put a very brave child on his shoulders and stood on the same board while playing with sticks, and finished the show by eating fire. Visit for more information.

While children, teens and adults can no longer sign up for the library’s Summer Reading Program (over 5,000 registered this summer), there’s plenty of great books just waiting to be read.

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Visit for information.

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