The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice


In the September 19 “Getting to Know the School Board Candidates” article, some errors were made. In addition, details were omitted from the article regarding Dr. Michele Ryan, candidate for Trustee Area #3.

Santa Clara Plays Fair was incorrectly identified as an anti-stadium political organization, as SCPF is opposed to public subsidies of the stadium. According to the SCPF Web site, SCPF is a recipient committee “formed for the purpose of raising funds to defeat the anticipated stadium subsidy ballot measure … specifically formed to prevent the use of public assets or indebtedness to build or operate a professional football stadium in the City of Santa Clara.” Ryan is a Board member of SCPF.

Ryan is a public school teacher with credentials in four core academic subject areas and a certificate of eligibility for a preliminary administrative credential. Ryan also has three children attending SCUSD schools.


Ryan states her priorities are expanding strong programs to better serve students and parents, keeping teachers engaged and motivated and leading the district to build on what works and rebuild what doesn’t.

“We have some great programs in our district, but we need leadership on our school board to make sure all students are prepared for college and good jobs. I know classrooms inside and out and have the education and experience to ensure that our best programs reach all kids,” states Ryan.


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