The Silicon Valley Voice

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City Drains Central Park Water Fountain

Santa Clara will drain the Central Park water fountain for routine maintenance. Because of the drought, it will be refilled later with recycled water.

Santa Clara’s Central Park water fountain will once again go dry for the summer.

The City announced in late February that it will drain the manufactured lake to conduct the required periodic maintenance on the biofiltration system, recirculation pump system and aeration fountains.

The work is expected to begin this week and take about three months to complete. The fountain will not be refilled after the work is done.


“Due to the ongoing drought emergency in California and the City’s ongoing fiscal constraints, the lake will remain empty until the end of the summer or fall at the earliest,” the City said in a post on Twitter. “When it is refilled, the City will use recycled water.”

Despite recent rain, Santa Clara County along with the rest of California is dealing with a drought emergency.

During a meeting with Santa Clara’s City Council in February, the Santa Clara Valley Water District told the Council that Santa Clara is a long way off from the 15 percent reduction called for in this drought emergency. So far, the City has only reduced its water use by 8 percent, just over half of what’s required.

The City does not expect that draining the fountain for maintenance will affect the local wildlife such as the geese and ducks that usually gather around the fountain.

“This wet and dry seasonal cycle mimics our natural environment in the South Bay and wildlife will adjust their habits and migrate to other locations to forage,” said a City spokesperson.

For questions about the draining and repairs on the Central Park water fountain, please contact the Parks & Recreation Department at (408) 615-3770.

The Central Park fountain along with the rest of the 52-acre park was designed by Robert Royston between 1960 and 1974. It was constructed in 17 phases with the fountains as one of the centerpieces.

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  1. Chris 3 years ago

    Don’t hurt the wildlife. They need the ponds!!!

  2. K. Olsen 3 years ago

    “The City does not expect that draining the fountain for maintenance will affect the local wildlife such as the geese and ducks that usually gather around the fountain.”
    This does not appear to be the case as there are reports of ducklings and goslings in the area that absolutely depend on water for survival.

  3. James T. 3 years ago

    “The City does not expect that draining the fountain for maintenance will affect the local wildlife such as the geese and ducks that usually gather around the fountain.” This is completely false, and here is the video evidence that shows the opposite:

  4. Sandra L 3 years ago

    The wildlife is definitely affected. They have been left with no water source for survival. The city will not even allow citizens to leave water for the goslings who are unable to fly yet. It is inhumane.

  5. Jamie 2 years ago

    City of Santa Clara should be ashamed of itself this is cruel! your statement about it not affecting Wildlife is absolutely 100% not true and The city definitely know it!!! Inhumane! makes me want to move to a different city where they treat their wildlife with care.

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