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Chocolate Party Celebrates Funded Library Programs

Chocolate Party Celebrates Funded Library Programs

Announcing the arrival of spring were the enormous ornamental butterflies gracing the tables at the Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends’ annual chocolate party and grant event on April 27. Library donors and volunteers enjoyed dessert entrees featuring anything chocolate – chocolate-covered fruit, chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, fudge, brownies, cupcakes and M & M cookies.

“This year, the staff members presented their grant proposals to the board and then the board approved those proposals; the chocolate party was a celebration of their innovative work,” says Tracy Wingrove, interim executive director of the library foundation. “At the party, we also wanted to thank the library volunteers and enhance the relationships between staff and volunteers.”

When it was time for library staff to share the foundation’s generosity, Melody Tehrani, a library technology aide, gushed about her department’s new projector, digital camera and television. Shanti Bhaskaran and Hilda Lopez talked about the 60th anniversary of the Mission Library, which will be celebrated in the fall.


Ellen Paul, adult services librarian, discussed how library grants have contributed to Central Park Library’s new book scanner, seed share collection, qi gong classes, February Food Fest, Cinefest film festival on June 28 and books and grand opening reception for Central Studio, a creative space, on May 19.

“We also have the foreign language collection,” Paul says. “I think this is so important for our community when you look at the demographics. 40 percent of those who live here in Santa Clara were born in another country.”

From the Northside Library, Branch Manager and Program Coordinator Cheryl Lee, discussed items the foundation has contributed to, including the library’s recent 80s prom, free professional photography services offered for LinkedIn profiles and the three-part home organization seminars on May 11, 12 and 26.

“People like me could use a tip or two about how to clean out their closet or how to get their dwellings in shape,” Lee says. “We tried to time this with the annual spring clean-ups.”

“What we want to start at the Northside Library is a series of Lego clubs where kids can explore their creativity,” says Angela Ocana, librarian. “[Also, the teens and I] play board games at least once a week. It’s nice to do something that’s not digital, where they’re just staring at a blank screen. What I asked for would go toward a Monopoly family tournament. We can also build a six-foot Jenga.”

Erin Ulrich, program coordinator of youth services, announced this year’s summer reading theme, “Read to the Rhythm.” The Summer Reading Kickoff will be on June 6 at the Northside Library from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and at the Central Park Library from 1 to 4 p.m.

“Our summer reading program is generously funded by KeyPoint Credit Union and the library foundation. We’re going to have a summer reading app so be on the lookout for that.”

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