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Becker Running for Mayor of Santa Clara

Council Member Anthony Becker is running to become the next Santa Clara mayor. Becker kicked off his campaign on July 18 outside of Santa Clara City Hall. He says it’s time for a change and he believes he can be the driving force behind that change.

“Santa Clara is in need of new leadership as well as change,” said Becker. “The current mayor has been on the City Council since 1992 when she was first elected. I was 6 years old then and today I turn 37.” That is way too long to be in elected office for one city.”

“We need a mayor who serves the community’s needs, not personal agendas,” continued Becker. “A mayor who has an interest in the city and its residents, not one with conflict of interests. We do not need a politician from yesteryear, we need a public servant for today and tomorrow. Leadership that does not come with strings attached but with accountability.”


Becker, who was elected to the Council in November 2020, says his track record already proves that he’s suited for the job.

“Since I have been on Council, I have accomplished big changes and reforms for Santa Clara (with the help of my colleagues) starting with ending the costly CVRA lawsuit that current leadership squandered $6 million dollars on, improving the relationships with our stakeholders and neighboring cities, bringing the World Cup to Santa Clara in 2026, implementing the Homeless Task Force,” said Becker. “I will ensure this Council will explore every avenue for generating revenue, whether that’s bringing major events to Levi’s Stadium, the new business license tax or ensuring developers are paying their fair share for affordable housing programs.”

He plans to continue a push for affordable housing as mayor of Santa Clara.

“My priorities are building the affordable housing that we desperately need, combating homelessness by what I call, ‘prevent and provide,’ reducing our deficits, investing in our infrastructure and rebuilding our downtown and swim center,” said Becker. “In the last six years under the current leadership, the City has seen a decline in all these areas and I want to change that. Santa Clara is the center of what’s possible and the possibilities are endless when our City is back on track and our governance is focused on the quality-of-life things that matter.”

Becker is expected to run against current Santa Clara Mayor Lisa Gillmor, someone he has butted heads with during previous Council meetings. Despite their history, Becker expects the race to remain civil.

“I am looking forward to a clean and ethical race that will focus on the issues, focus on the solutions and focus on providing Santa Clarans an excellent quality of life,” said Becker.


  1. Ed Richards 2 years ago

    I believe that Anthony Becker will be positive change for leadership in the City of Santa Clara. He has supported allowing both the former City Manager and City Attorney to apply for unemployment benefits. Several of the lawsuits that the City was engaged in have been settled. There are many other positive actions taken by Council that have moved us forward. If you watch the Council meetings you will see that the Council majority does not always vote in unison. The members think independently and act on issues according to their concerns about what is best for the City.

    Lets hope for a clean honest campaign. Police and fire along with developers should keep their money in their pockets.

  2. CSC 2 years ago

    To keep the status quo, the SCPOA (police employees) and IAFF Local 1171 (fire employees) will swing hard against Becker. The city is in deep financial troubles partly because management and the city council keep handing out overly generous salary increases every year to an employee base that’s already compensated well over their peers in neighboring cities (Sunnyvale, Campbell, Saratoga/Cupertino (Sheriff), and San Jose).
    At a time when there is a massive push in Santa Clara County to make transparency and accountability the #1 priority, the City of Santa Clara keeps fighting it. There also needs to be a change to the hiring/electing of a police chief to a system where the top cop is hired and accountable to someone.

  3. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    Will the Becker for Mayor campaign explain why Becker is refusing to release texts and emails he exchanged with Dominic Csserta about Lisa Gillmor and her family citing atrorney work product? Pra 22 634?

    • Correction 2 years ago

      If any one is to read PRA 22-634 it clearly states, “At the conclusion of the City’s diligent review, the City has determined that there are no responsive and/or nonexempt records for this request”. That means there were no responsive records from Councilmembers Park and Becker meaning no correspondence with Caserta. This is a nothingburger and a conspiracy theory all made up in the requester’s head. Clear as glass there is no correspondence, ever.

      The requester sounds like they are creating false narratives for Mayor Gillmor. The requester is quite fond of the Mayor.

  4. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    You neglected first part which says they will not release any subsequent. Ps what about the 15 cpras filed by becker campaign staffer abel cardona.

    • James C Rowen 2 years ago

      FW: FPPC Complaint No. COM-07222022-02189

      Any comment??

      • Mike Wazowski 2 years ago

        Complaints are not fact
        Thank you PRA 22-391, it really shuts that theory down

  5. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    A request for documents is not a document. Just like witholding documents is not clearing Becker.

    Ps fppc has FIVE complaints on Park.

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      Complaints are not fact. Please refer to Mike Wazowski’s rebuttal to your earlier foolishness.

  6. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    Ps Becker’s emails, texts, meeting notes with the 49ers regarding the cost of a new sign, city payments for trips for 49er officials to conventions , plans for the 49ers to use San Jose facilities unregulated by city, views of Becker about the mayor shared with 49er officials, views of Becker regarding Watanabe shared with 49er officials, have all been declared confidential by Steve Ngo, City Attorney.

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      Thank you for sharing with us your communication with Lisa Gillmor’s views regarding Becker and the 49ers.

  7. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    The 49er independent expenditure for the Mayor’s is slated for 7 million dollars.

    It will use the message. WE NEED A NEW SANTA CLARA. Tv spots featuring Lodge, Mahan, Jain will attempt to portray Gillmor as old, tired, not ready to foster a new world

    Print mailing will exceed 12 pieces.

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      Hooray! I’m looking forward to having a new mayor.

  8. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    Just in

    A rejected op ed piece co authored by Suds Jain and Anthony Becker.






    How they both want exemptions from
    the Public Records Act!!

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      And also just in:
      More repeated, rejected, and nonsense comments from a follower of Lisa Gillmor, Deanna Santana, Brian Doyle, Kathy Watanabe, etc.

  9. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    Gee, read the letters column of the Weekly, letters written by me hostile to Doyle and Watanabe.

    News flash. Becker and Jain seek to take out Haggag. Gee, wonder why. Reference a half dozen letters I have written opposing Haggag. But despite my opposition to Haggag, he does not deserve this, he has rights. Oh, i have the copy of the Becker and Jain op ed opposing the CPRA.. these two are using Sarah Doty as a source on Haggag. Ask Julio Fuentes about the time Doty was threatenibg him.

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      Gee, I’ve heard you do not live even in this city of Santa Clara. Anyways, you’re obviously possessed to being hostile to our city officials with the exception of Lisa Gillmor. Suggest you direct your harassment and venom elsewhere.

  10. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    Sorry, but Karen Hardy and Raj Chahal sure are people whom i have supported and paid business license taxes for several years and the Weekly waa kind of enough for years to engage my support and did Brian Exline live there? Does Ed Mcgovern? Does Rahul?

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      Sorry, but so much pain, so much guilt, so much “threatenibg”, so much “waa kind”. Just think, this coming election should provide even more victims for you to attack. Have fun!

  11. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    Richard Konda of the Asian Law Alliance lives where??? Mike Honda lives where??? Hmm, steve ngo lives where????

    Ps, supported konda and honda and in 2011 made the motion for district elections on charter review.

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      Gee, add some more names: Joe Biden lives where??? Donald Trump lives where???

  12. James C Rowen 2 years ago

    Well both konda and honda participated as much as i have.

    Oh, so Becker new target is Hossam. Yep white guy after another minority.

    Oh, Hossam will verify I am one of his biggest critics. But he has rights.

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      Well, oh, and so, your new nemesis is Becker. But he also has rights. My prediction is Becker is likely to become our new mayor, which shall provide you with a fun target for years and years. Enjoy. Hmm, Abe Lincoln lives where???? Mickey Mouse lives where????

  13. SC niner fan 2 years ago

    Lol. Good luck Santa Clara. This is the wrong guy to run your city

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      Lol. Don’t agree with you, SC Niner Fan. Hopefully, this “wrong guy”, may be the “right guy” we need to get our city out of all this deep horrendous debt. Certainly, Lisa Gillmor doesn’t know how, since during her tenure has only made it worse. It’s for a change.

  14. Another SC Resident 2 years ago

    Unfortunately, as a District 6 resident I have not observed Anthony Becker doing anything for District 6 since elected. And now he wants to be Mayor?

    • Davy L 2 years ago

      Hi. Well, I am fortunately also a District 6 resident. Together with our current City Council, Becker helped to establish our six District voting system, which was strongly opposed by Lisa Gillmor. Additionally, Becker helped to rid our city of Deanna Santana and Brian Doyle. Two down, and one more to go.

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