The Silicon Valley Voice

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Bay Area Plastic Surgeon Helps Young Burn Victims

A Bay Area plastic surgeon has made it his mission to help young children whose lives have been gravely affected by severe burns. On Feb. 15, Dr. Christopher Kieliszak held a special “Day of Beauty” with a portion of the proceeds donated to the Children’s Burn Foundation.

“I felt like it was a good cause,” said Dr. Kieliszak. “This particular organization supports children who have sustained burns.”

“These kids can go to camps and [there are] great treatments for these kids,” said Laura Patron, Marketing Director of Mittelman Plastic Surgery Center where Dr. Kieliszak currently works as a fellow. “[It will be] our main foundation that we work with because they do such wonderful work with these children.”


Dr. Kieliszak started his fellowship in July of last year and was the driving force behind the center’s work with the foundation.

“Part of the reason I chose the Children’s Burn Foundation is I got here in the middle of the Camp Fire,” said Dr. Kieliszak.

The sheer size and impact of the Camp Fire inspired Dr. Kieliszak to help. He researched burn foundations and chose the Children’s Burn Foundation not only because of what it does, but also because of how it manages its money.

“It’s ethical, not a lot of overhead,” said Patron.

Many of the attendees of the Feb. 15 event were clients and employees at the Knots Beauty Salon, where the “Day of Beauty” was held. They paid the regular price for Botox treatments and were asked to make their own donation to the foundation following the treatment. The owner of Knots, Heidi Jimenez, says she was happy to host.

“I like the fact that they’re donating the proceeds to the burn foundation,” said Jimenez, who was born and raised in Santa Clara before her family moved to San Jose when she was in high school.

Dr. Kieliszak plans to hold quarterly events that will benefit the Children’s Burn Foundation. He also works with the foundation on reconstructive surgeries.

The Children’s Burn Foundation is not Dr. Kieliszak’s only cause. He also grows his hair out for the Childhood Leukemia Foundation. He says it takes about a year and a half to two years to grow the hair long enough, but this will be the third time he has donated.

If you would like to find out about Dr. Kieliszak’s future events, you can visit the website or you can visit the Children’s Burn Foundation at

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1 Comment
  1. Eric 6 years ago

    Interesting News

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