The Silicon Valley Voice

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Assistance League of Los Altos Gives Back to Sunnyvale School District Schools

This school year, the Assistance League of Los Altos provided over $33,000 worth of goods and services to five schools in the Sunnyvale School District. The nonprofit worked with the schools to find out what they needed and provided a variety of school supplies including 350 Spanish books for the San Miguel School library; 1,400 classroom theme books for Bishop, Columbia Middle and Lakewood schools; upgraded the PE Equipment for the PE Programs at Bishop, Columbia Middle and San Miguel; new uniforms for Vargas students and established a Food Pantry in the social worker’s office, providing healthy snacks twice a month for San Miguel students.

The Assistance League of Los Altos is an all-volunteer, nonprofit, nonsectarian service organization that puts caring and commitment into action through Programs in Santa Clara County. The Los Altos chapter is one of 120 chapters in the nation. Its philosophy is to help people directly by providing goods and services to people in need. The Assistance League’s signature program is called Operation School Bell.

This program provides services such as clothing, hygiene supplies, literacy, school supplies and hunger relief to school-age children. The League’s two other major programs are under two umbrellas called Community Needs and Scholarships. This year, Los Altos began its Scholarship Program at Bishop and San Miguel, allocating $5,000 scholarships to each school for the 5th grade Science Camp Program.


“We believe every student should have the opportunity to experience firsthand a weeklong camp with their fellow students away from home in a safe outdoor setting,” said Grace Pedersen, Vice President of Program of the Assistance League of Los Altos.

Last school year was Assistance League of Los Altos first year working with the Sunnyvale School District, with Lakewood and Vargas Elementary Schools being the first two schools the nonprofit connected with. Under the Operation School Bell Program, the Assistance League of Los Altos donated 10 iPads to Lakewood and 840 classroom books focusing on the school’s Culturally Relevant theme. Uniforms were donated to the Vargas Uniform Closet for a total amount of $16,120 in supplies for both schools.

“Our members are excited to order goods, sort supplies and deliver goods to the students,” Pedersen added. “We receive overwhelming support from all school staff and students when we deliver the school supplies. Everyone at the District makes us feel at home. We look forward to working together with all of you for many years to come.”

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