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Star Trek III The Search for Spock Blu-ray Edition/Rated PG for Sci-Fi violence and scary bugs and fire and death and mysterious ceremonies

STIIITSFS was really the middle film in what turned out to be a trilogy. Since Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan was a big hit, they decided to write their way out of the hole they left themselves in when they killed Spock at the conclusion of that film.

As fans recall, they brought back Ricardo Montalban to recreate the role of Khan he had originated in the original TV series run. Same part played by Benedict Cumberbatch in the new version Star Trek Into Darkness. At the end of II, Khan dies, but manages one last act of violence in which he sets off a really big explosive device. Even bigger than the one that blew up the Death Star in Star Wars I or IV – depending on how you count them.

In III it appears that the big blow-up has stirred a bunch of bad Klingons led by the evil Christopher Lloyd to get their hands on this weapon known to them as “The Genesis Torpedo.” Since the explosion actually created a new planet out of a big rock, all kinds of complications occur. Big complications.


This sets off a few of the Enterprise crew on a mission to find Spock, who was last seen in a coffin that ended up on the Genesis planet. Really special things are going on there.

Written with a lot of inspiration, humor and action, this film is a fitting middle film to find the lost and presumed dead Vulcan, Spock. Since Leonard Nimoy had to keep his appearance in the film secret, watch the main title. After William Shatner’s name appears and at the point where Leonard Nimoy’s name would appear there is a blank pause before appearance of number three DeForest Kelley’s credit.

Kirstie Alley played an important part in the Khan film. She was reputedly paid only $15,000 and wanted more to be in the sequel. It goes without saying, but she didn’t warrant more. The producers replaced her with Robin Curtis who went on to do little else except a small part in Star Trek IV and Star Trek conventions. She does have quite a few small TV series credits, but this film was the highlight of her career. Young actor Merritt Butrick got the key role of the soon-to-be-dead David, son of Captain Kirk. He went on to a promising career until his death at 29 in 1989 from AIDS.

The film in Blu-ray looks terrific. This is the theatrical look as I recall seeing the movie at its initial run. Also on hand are some terrific extras including a 25-minute documentary on the film’s production, filled with great info and hilarious comments by William Shatner on Nimoy as a director and how he, Shatner, personally saved Paramount Studios from burning to the ground during filming. There is also a neat retrospective on the young actors who played Spock on screen. The actor playing 17-year-old Spock, Stephen Manley, has interesting comments on his history in the film.

As a middle film in the trilogy this is another 80s film not to be missed. Be sure to watch The Wrath of Khan first.

Info on the third film Star Trek IV The Voyage Home Blu-ray is coming soon to this very spot. Until then, Live Long and Blu-ray.

Rated 3.80 out of 4.0 reasons to be assured. They find him.

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