The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Snitch/Rated PG-13 for violence, language and drug use

This story takes place in Missouri. The movie was made in Louisiana. The big star is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He was a former big-time wrestling star. One of his co-stars is Susan Sarandon. She is an Oscar winner and formerly a big star. This film proves my last statement true.

Dwayne J. is known for his action films. Being a well-coordinated athlete and wrestler, he is cut out for big-time fight scenes and dealing out physical violence to his enemies. In Snitch, his main talent is not utilized. Instead, they utilize his emotional acting abilities. This is a big mistake.

Instead of fighting and destroying the bad guys, he whines a lot and acts like he is upset over having to memorize actual lines and delivering them – instead of neck snaps and elbow drops – to make a point. If you have seen the 60-second preview you have seen all the action sequences in the film. The big truck scene looks great, but doesn’t last long and ends in a big crash – after which Dwayne appears to be crying.


DJ’s son gets involved in drug dealing in a roundabout way and ends up in prison. He is not happy there, although he appears to be making many new friends – especially on shower Wednesdays. DJ wants him out and agrees to help Susan S., a Federal Prosecutor, nail big drug kingpins in order to get the son’s freedom. This leads to the big truck scene and one minor shoot out. These action sequences take up little of the film, which most of the time is a lot of talking and hand-wringing angst. For the audience it means nod-off syndrome.

The idea of making a film that converts an action star to an actor portraying love and family dedication is ludicrous. In 2008, another big-time action film figure, Jason Stratham, was cast in a film titled “The Bank Job.” It was another miscasting nightmare. Picture John Wayne in his prime taking on the role of Truman Capote. Get the idea?

Rated 2.0 out of 4.0 reasons one big semi-truck/car chase sequence does not constitute an action film.

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