The Silicon Valley Voice

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Santa Clara Women’s League: More Than Just Showtime

In addition to sponsoring the annual Showtime show – an endeavor that takes a team of nearly 30 – the Santa Clara Women’s League also delivers holiday meals and cheer to Santa Clara seniors.

“It’s not about the mashed potatoes,” explains Santa Clara Senior Center Director Phil Orr. “It’s about the conversation, the connection. Last Christmas, they delivered 60 free hot turkey dinners and treats to Santa Clara seniors who are either home bound, isolated, or otherwise unable to celebrate the holidays. Some have no family, or no local family, or are dealing with tough situations and just could use a little TLC at this time of year. For some, it’s their only celebration.”

And it’s not just about food. Visitors bring decorative forms of holiday cheer as well. “The seniors I saw were very appreciative of the meal and gift and poinsettias,” says Parks and Recreation Department Volunteer Administrator Susan Bates. “The most important aspect of the day for them was the fact they were thought of. The poinsettias really brightened their homes. It is the only spot of holiday cheer in their homes.”


“Our recipients were delighted to have visitors, had wonderful life stories to share, enjoyed contact with the ‘outside’ world,” says long-time SCWL member, Barbara Carney.

“This program is so valuable to our frail senior recipients and those who have the opportunity to spend a few moments delivering a meal and some holiday cheer,” says Parks and Recreation Department Registered Nurse Larisa Polozova.

For more information or to donate to the effort, contact Polozova (408.615.3170 or or Wendy Talbert, RN (408.615.3170 or

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