The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Santa Clara City Desk: September 4, 2013

The good news at last week’s City Council meeting was that fourth quarter financials show the Santa Clara Convention Center revenues are $1.4 million over budget. Year-end profit is projected at $1 million over budget.

The City will be applying for $2.4 million in 2013-2016 federal Surface Transportation Program (STP)/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) funds for street rehab and “safe routes to school” programs to encourage walking and bicycling to school.

To receive the grants, the City must provide local funding, and the City is offering $314,000 (11.5 percent) of the total project costs. This is slightly more than the minimum required, making the city’s bid more competitive. Funds will be provided from the Traffic Mitigation Fund, Pedestrian & Bicycle Enhancement Project, Special Gas Tax, and Annual Street Maintenance


Fans of Justin’s Restaurant in the Franklin Mall will be happy to know that the Council approved a permit for a 40-seat fenced patio area. The Council also approved rezoning that will allow a 60-unit condominium complex at 2585 El Camino, and scheduled a workshop at the Marriott Hotel on Sept. 12 from 1 to 4 p.m. One topic on the agenda is a discussion of mixed-use and retail development.

The Council rescheduled interviews to fill vacancies on the Historical and Landmarks and Housing Rehabilitation Loan Committee to Sept. 24 at 6 p.m. and Oct. 8 at 6 p.m., respectively. For more information, visit

After press time, the City Council will hold a closed session meeting to discuss the lawsuit by the Santa Clara County finance department, Santa Clara Unified School District, the Santa Clara County Office of Education, and the West Valley Mission Community College District demanding seizure of $350 million in city real estate and land lease revenues under the 2011 California redevelopment dissolution law.

To follow the county agencies’ and SCUSD’s lawsuit against the city, visit and search for case# 34-2013-80001396.

City Council 2014 Meetings

  • January 14 and 28
  • February 11 and 25
  • March 18 and 25
  • April 8 and 22
  • May 6, 13 and 20
  • June 10 and 24
  • July 1 and 15
  • August 19 and 26
  • September 23 and 30
  • October 14 and 28
  • November 18 and 25
  • December 9 and 16
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